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TrainerRoad Workouts Not Included in Training Status Widget

I have subscribed to TrainerRoad and use it with my Garmin/Tacx Flux S indoor trainer. I am delighted that TR syncs automatically with Garmin Connect, which I use to collect all my training. I like not having to monitor the workout simultaneously with the app and with my Fenix 6X, which I have to do with many other training apps (including, ironically, with the Tacx Training App) that don't sync automatically with Garmin Connect. However, while my indoor TR workouts show up immediately in Garmin Connect, these workouts don't seem to be included in Garmin's "Training Status" widget. Am I missing something in the setup in GC? I would appreciate any advice.

  • However, while my indoor TR workouts show up immediately in Garmin Connect, these workouts don't seem to be included in Garmin's "Training Status" widget. Am I missing something in the setup in GC? I would appreciate any advice.

    As I understand it the workout has to be recorded on your f6X, for it to feature in the Training Status widget on your f6X. It would also be possible to use another Garmin device to record the workout then use Physio TrueUp to update the Training Status on the f6X, but that does not solve your situation.

    Are you aware that your f6X is able to control smart trainers? The following DC Rainmaker article covers this recently added feature:

    This may not be suitable for your needs, but is worth a read.

  • Thanks for your quick response.  Yes, I saw this DCR article and have used this method when testing the Tacx Trainer App, which does not sync directly with Garmin Connect notwithstanding common ownership. Using both (watch and app) causes a muddle of duplicative rides, particularly when you add in uploads to Strava.  I was hopeful that TrainerRoad would fully integrate into all Garmin Connect functions and reports.  I did hear back this morning from TrainerRoad support, and they said that Garmin uses a third-party vendor (with seperate licensing requirements) for the Training Status Widget so I am back to having to using bothe app and the F6X (Trainer/Free Ride) simultaneously.  .Finally, I would rather use a training app than have the watch drive the trainer.  I thought about getting a bike computer, but that seemed overkill for indoor training.

  • I did hear back this morning from TrainerRoad support, and they said that Garmin uses a third-party vendor (with seperate licensing requirements) for the Training Status Widget so I am back to having to using bothe app and the F6X (Trainer/Free Ride) simultaneously.

    These would be the Firstbeat algorithms that are in the f6X firmware.

    The following workaround may work for you:

    1. Before you start your workout disable Bluetooth (and WiFi if you have it setup) on your f6X so that it cannot sync to Garmin Connect.
    2. Perform your TrainerRoad workout with the f6X also recording it.
    3. When you finish your workout, save the recorded activity on the f6X.
    4. Check that the Training Status widget information has updated for the workout.
    5. Delete the recorded activity from the f6X.
    6. Enable Bluetooth (and WiFi if you have it setup) and let the f6X sync to Garmin Connect.
    7. Garmin Connect should now show the updated Training Status without the duplicate activity.

    I have used this with my f5 Plus and an Edge 25 in the past.

  • Thanks again for the suggestion.  I think I may have backed into something very close to this by accident.  Your workaround explains why what I did worked.  This morning I did a TrainerRoad workout and simultaneously recorded the workout on my f6X using Indoor Bike/Trainer/Free Ride.  I had not turned off Bluetooth or WIFI, though, as I need Bluetooth to connect to all the functions on the Flux S.  As expected, I ended up with a muddle of duplicate rides on the watch, Garmin Connect and Strava.  As expected, the Training Status widget recognized the workout and stopped giving me a hard time about lethargy.  Then, as I was cleaning out the duplicates, I accidentally deleted the f6x Morning Ride rather than the TrainerRoad Ride in Garmin Connect, and then synced with the watch.  Lo and behold, the Training Status widget did not revert and still recognized the workout, and the TrainerRoad workout was the only one left in GC and on the watch.  I still needed to clean up Strava, but I had to do that anyway before.  So, I agree with all of your steps, save that in my experience (with one one data point as of now) you don't need to turn off Bluetooth or WIFI on the watch to achieve the result.  

  • I may be the f6 series is a bit smarter about this than the f5 Plus series.

    All being well my smart trainer should arrive in the next week so I can do some controlled testing of this workaround. Initially I want to control it using my Edge 820 but also record on my f5 Plus so I can track metrics like Intensity Minutes, Training Effect, Training Load, which the Edge 820 cannot.