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  • "How to transfer the watch's record to the phone's connect, I changed my new phone, so there are no old memories on the phone."

    I'm assuming you've synced in the past, so your device is not the only record of your activities. Your activities on Garmin Connect do not disappear because of the new phone. They remain in the cloud. Your Garmin Connect Mobile app or Garmin Connect Web is used to view those activities. It is likely that you've logged in to the Garmin Mobile app with a different account since you setup your new phone. This happens a lot with new phones or users reinstalling the app - Data is Missing from My Garmin Account After Syncing

  • Garmin Connect軟體不會儲存任何資料,所有的資料全都在雲端,而且手錶能儲存的資料有限,達到上限後最新的資料會擠掉最舊的資料。手機看的每一個資料都是每次都即時從雲端存取(每個項目、每一天),也就是一旦不能連上網路或是伺服器離線,什麼都沒得看,只能看手錶上的概略資料。你可以試試看開飛航模式然後再開Garmin Connect,只會看到一堆不能連線…


    從千元到萬元的智慧錶,幾乎沒有廠商走Garmin這種極端的雲端路線。好處當然是像你這種情況,資料絕對還在你的帳戶下。但是,其他可以離線存取的廠商,也都有雲端,而且還能同步到Google Fit之類其他的健康追蹤平台,不像Garmin這般封閉。