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Badge July Weekend Weekend Challenge

On July 3rd as part of the July Weekend Weekend challenge, open July 3rd to 5th, I completed the required 3-mile walk. I got the badge with the relevant notification, but now if I go to see the list of challenges and badges obtained it is not found.

  • It could happen for multiple reasons. First of all the badge will be removed if you left the Challenge. And then, it can be also removed if you edited the Activity, making some change that violated the conditions of the Challenge (i.e. changing the type to another Activity type, changing the distance, or the date, etc.).

    So, first of all go to the July Weekend Walking Challenge page and verify that is still shows the link "Leave  challnege". If it is there, it is all right, you are still in (do not click it!).

    Then go to the Walk activity, and verify that everything fits the conditions of the Challenge. You can also try editing, making a minor change (i.e.changing the title, percieved effort, gear, ...), and saving it. If you find nothing, make the privacy of the ativity opne to Everyone, and post the link to the Activity here.

  • OK! I got it. I can't find it in challenges.
    Here is the link instead:

    Check out my standard walking activity on Garmin Connect. #beatyesterday

  • The activity looks ok. Did you do what I suggested?

  • yes, I tried to change the activity but nothing ... However, in the list of notifications, it turns out that I got the badge on July 4th.
    Thanks for your help