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How do you set up a family account.

My child is too old for the vivofit jr, but I would like to be able to track his separately but still in a family account.  Is this possible?

  • Is this possible?

    No. Or better told, you can have a common account for mutliple devices, but in that case I see no sense of it, because the data of all of them will be mixed in the same account. If he is too old for the JR device, why not creating him his own account?

  • It is supposed to be possible.You need:

    1. the older child to have their own Gamin device (not a Jr)
    2. the older child to have their own Garmin Connect profile
    3. the older child to be connected with the Family Administrator (ie the person that created the "Family" - probably you) in Garmin Connect.
    4. if the Family has a Guardian added (eg your spouse), then the older child must be connected with them in Garmin Connect too.
    5. then, you can add the older child (a "Mutual Connection") to challenges as per the instructions at the end of this Garmin page: Garmin Jr. Daily Step Challenge

    Note, it worked for me once, and then broke Disappointed
