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Live track doesn`t work, again

Live track worked fine until recently. Yesterday I went on a big ride and live track failed. The notifications were sent, but the web page just said "No signal. Trying to reconnect.".

Just now my wife went on a ride and the same thing repeated.

We both use Garmin Edge 1000 and android mobile phones.

I guess that there was an update which messed it up. It wouldn`t be the first time.

Are there more users with the same problem and does someone know the solution?

  • I guess that there was an update which messed it up. It wouldn`t be the first time

    I do not think it is a problem on the server of Garmin. Works for me all the time (I use Live Track frequently, mutiple times per day). More likely either the Bluetooth connection between Edge and the phone dropped, or there was no mobile data. Verify the permissions of the app to use mobile data, and check out battery optimizing options on your phone - it may shut down the app, the mobile data, or Bluetooth.

    On the other hand, if it happened on two different Garmin devices, and two different phones within two days, then it is suspicious. Or did she use the same devices as you? Well, if you find nothing, no options harming the connection, consider contacting the Support.

  • Same problem for me, edge 520 to a Sony phone, already posted elsewhere on here and I've contacted support. Nothing wrong with the connection, it is just the latest update to the app... Last garmin I buy, fed up of constantly resetting, relearning..... 

  • This is not the first time live track doesn't work, so I checked everything on my part. Bluetooth connection was good as garmin connect app showed. All permisions are granted. Mobile signal was good. As I said, mail notifications were sent.

    My wife has her own gps unit, so two seperate devices. We also use it regulary and it worked, until it didn't....

    Live track function is highly unreliable. It was one of the main seling points for me. I must say that I regret that decision. 

  • Live track function is highly unreliable.

    Fortunately for me, it works all right 100% of the time. In fact I developped an app plugging into the Live Track feed, so I use it very intensively and daily not only for my own activties, but also for activities of friends on the other side of the globe, and since almost a year, it did not happen to me once that it would not work.

    I have no experience with Edge - when you look at the Garmin Connect main screen during a ride, is there any value that is being displayed live in real-time? With standard Garmin watches, the GC screen displays the heart rate and the number of steps live, so those values permanently change on the screen during the activity, and it allows me to permanently monitor whether the watch-phone connection is functional.

    But as long as you do not use any HR belt, I guess that Garmin Connect with Edge does show any changes on the screen at all, so you actually cannot see whether the connection Edge-phone is functional or not. This could be the culprit, and the reason why we see only Edge owners complaining. Perhaps, when there is no change, the app (and the BT connection) falls asleeep, and hence prevents also the Live Track transmission.

    Do you keep the Garmin Connect app open on the foreground, when you ride? If it happens the next time, try tapping the double-arrow blue ring symbol for syncing, it should wake up the Edge-phone link, if it closed in the meantime. Just to see whether it helps.

    It was one of the main seling points for me. I must say that I regret that decision. 

    Just out of curiosity - do you know about another similar system, and do you know it works flawlessly for 100% of their users? If you are really that unhappy, then sell your Edge and buy the other system. I'd still like to know which one it is, anyway.

  • Update 4.30 was pushed out a few days ago and seems to be causing some problems with LT, reinstall 4.29 and that might fix it. I have my phone set up to not automatically update apps because I've had multiple issues with Connect in the past, I always wait a week or two to see if there are any issues before updating manually. 

  • Where do I get 4.29 from? Apkmirror? 

  • Going back to 4.29 worked for me. Tech support confirmed an issue and it will be fixed in the next release. 

  • Is there an idiots guide to revert to 4.29?

  • look at APKmirror, you download their app to your phone, then search for the correct version of the app you want, it comes as a package, but, you need to turn off auto-update for your apps otherwise it will just update to new version .

    apparently garmin are aware now of problem, so maybe worth waiting, tho i did mine yesterday and I'm not great with tech.