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Green dot on app tile?

So, thanks to this forum, I think I found the answer to something that has been bugging me...Bee

My Android app green dot (on the Connect app tile, not the one IN the app next to the device), even though I could find no notification in the app. Didn't necessarily have a new activity either...

But, if I'm reading the info here correctly, the green dot on the app tile, means the same thing it does in the app... Connected!

Is that correct? 

  1. Well if it is, I don't like it. It's inconsistent with green dot use. Now if was another color, I'd be okay with that. But green dot, to me, means a new/unread message.

Thank you for helping me understand this.


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  • OK, this is really weird... I went to try your sugestion... But the green dot was gone!

    What changed? Well only thing I can think of is I downloaded the "Connect IQ" app.

    I forget exactly why, but I guess it's so I can download apps to my FR235 via an app, not the web.

    Let's see what happens next time I get a legit green dot.

  • The dot disappears when you clear the GC notifications from the status bar of the phone

    Bingo! That did it. @trux, thank you so much for solving this mystery. 

    PS. Sorry for such a late reply.