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Sleep track & Smart Alarm Native Garmin Connect vs Sleep as Android vs SmartWake


I just bought a Vivoactive 4 and really like a lot of the functionality and have started evaluate several functions and apps.

One thing I need some insights and background in is the Smart wake function during light sleep. Why don't you add this into Garmin connect directly ??

I really like the sleep tracking in Garmin connect and for that purpose don's look for additional apps. 

But unfortunately as you don't have the smart wake up during light sleep I have tried to evaluate 2 other apps.

SmartWake which has several flaws on both battery drain, not integrated so you have to have the app open on the watch during the whole night.... and also I have to start it manually every evening and cannot setup reccuring alarm event as scheduled alarms. I'd like a more integrated alarm watch functionality.

I also tested Sleep as Android which is more than just the Alarm (Then i get the whole tracking functionality even though i in general think Garming connect tracker is already really good) Unfortunately sleep as android forces me to install both the app on my phone and an integration app on the watch and it has several bugs with connection etc etc. I also have to start sleep tracking manually on the phone every evening and it takes time and doesn't work that good in my opinion.
So, just for me to understand.. Are there any plans to actually make a Smart wake alarm clock from Garmin Connect based on the Sleep Tracking information that is already in there. I think this would be an awesome feature and I would very much appriciate a more integrated Alarm clock feature than the Third-party solutions. 
I would very much appriciate some thoughts on this and why you haven't already integrated it into the native Garmin Alarm clock or as part of sleep tracking functionality ?
As i said, I really like the sleep tracking function and the only minor thing I'm missing is to be woken during light sleep in the morning :)  


  • I am considering moving from Wear OS using Sleep with Android to a Garmin Venu. I didn't realize until reading this that the Garmin alarm is not a smart alarm on the watch. 

    Garmin please make this possible and I will buy your Venu watch.

  • I am in the same boat. Sleep is so intrinsic to fitness and performance that I am surprised and disappointed that Garmin doesnt have more on offer on this. The blocks are there, just need the build, please build.

  • Would be so easy in Venu. If you just were able to der links heißt alarm to the Body Batery. So that when you reach 100% you will automaticaly get a normal alarm in your extrem light-sleep-phase. 

    Garmin would be far ahead any competitors and would once more proof its untouchable status as a sports- and health-watch. Would be so easy to program that natively and really get a use out of the bodybattery function!!!

  • I know what u mean. And third Party apps really mess up the batterylife. They have to do it nativley to make that work. Otherwise i will be moving to Wear Os Next Edition..  sleep is hella important

  • There are some easy features which I can't understand why Garmin didn't develop yet, this is definetly one of them 

  • In my opinion one of the most important functions of a health-promoting smartwatch. I see a lot of potential in a sleep phase alarm clock integrated in a smartwatch! As a long-time Garmin user, I am now unfortunately switching to FITBIT for this reason. They have the "Smartwake" function which works well. In my opinion, there is still a lot of room for improvement at Fitbit. For example, setting the length of the time window in which the wake-up time is variable.

    Garmin it's time to get active here!!

  • I bought a garmin venu 2. Dousent realize it has no smartalarm. 

    So fought no problem, there is sleep as Android, I used before on my old Fossil Gen4, but no. The Sleep as Android App is not compatible to the venu2, so there is no chance for an smartalarm. So I think about it to change to an other smartwatch. 

  • I have a answer found, but not a real solution. 

    For anyone who want to use Sleep as Android on the Venu2 or 2s you can download a legacy Version From the SleepAsAndroid Website.

    But why Garmin have no smartalarm function on the watch i dont understand 

  • Sorry I dont saied that I used the version for the Venu "1", there is no Version for the Venu 2

  • Garmin just opened a ticket about my feature-request to add sleep related data to the SDK, please go and up-vote it: