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Is there a way in Garmin Connect to see the live data of the current activity?

Is there a way in Garmin Connect to see the live data of the current activity (i.e. distance, pace, temperature, time, etc.)? I can only see the live HR and steps, but cannot find a way to display any other parameters. In many situations I'd prefer watching the data on the phone than on the watch. Not only I often can't easily read the tiny letters on the watch without glasses, but sometimes I have the watch under layers. Also on a bicycle, it would be much preferable to watch the activity data on a phone mounted on the handlebar.

Edit on 22nd April 2020 - added a poll for an Android app:

  • There is no way to do that with the Garmin Connect mobile app.

  • OK, that's bad, but I suspected it. Thanks for the answer anyway! I'll submit it to the wishlist at

  • Just answering to myself, perhaps it may help others:

    In fact this is partially possible, although not directly in Garmin Connect. You just need to activate LiveTrack (GC Mobile menu » LiveTrack) for the current activity, sharing it with yourself, and then opening the link in a browser on the phone. You can then view live the current position, the track done, current pace, distance, time, and some other data, including laps, etc.

  • is there a way to vote on it? I would love to have this options too.

  • is there a way to vote on it?

    Finally I wrote an Android app for this purpose, myself. Currently it is not ready for a public release, just suitable for my personal use. It still needs some work, and ironing, bug fixing, better configurability through settings, documentation, etc., but if there is sufficient interest, I may consider working on it, and eventually releasing publicly. Below some screenshots from the app.

    I will try to add a poll to the initial post, to see whether there is anyone interested in it, at all. 


  • Hey trux!

    I have been looking for such a solution since I am using a Garmin watch. I wanted to look into creating the apps myself but luckily by using the right keywords, finally, I found your post. Just saying I am very much interested! Great job!

    Two feature requests already :-P

    - Ideally it would also show the route information when following a course

    - Also an iOS companion app

    Do you expect any public release for your app or shall I start digging into the SDK myself?

    Thanks a lot in advance!


  • It would be great!! i imagine keeping my watch at the wrist and having datas on my smartphone while biking.

    without need off cellular coverage, just has a second screen .

  • Ideally it would also show the route information when following a course

    Using the navigation API from Google would add to the costs, since they charge per API call, so it could be available only at the version with a paid subsription (though nothing expensive; say a few bucks a year). Theoretically it is doable, but for the moment I need to finish the basic features, and make it really usable for public. Currently, there are too many dverse issues. They do not prevent me to use it (knowing how to cope with them), but it is not something presentable publicly.

     Also an iOS companion app

    I have no experience with iOS, there would have to be really a massive interest or some fundraising, so that I buy an iPhone, and that I install and learn to use the iOS app development tools. 

    Do you expect any public release for your app or shall I start digging into the SDK myself?

    Before you posted, there were just two persons interested (in 5 months), so it is not really motivating a lot to spend the time on something that practically nobody cares about. The time needed to create a publicly releasable app, and then the time needed for the support and the maintenance, would not be justifiable at such a low level of interest. So for the moment I do not really have (yet) any schedule for the release. If you feel you could write the app yourself, just go ahead - as I have no commercial plans yet, I won't mind the competition Slight smile