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Garmin doesn't stay connected with the Connect app on my Huawei Smart Plus 2019


The last days my Fenix 5s plus doesn't stay connected with the Connect app on above mentioned Huawei phone.

When I started to use my phone I read all the tips and tricks on this forum and I used it. My phone and watch did what they were supposed to do.

But now... not possible to get it connected without restarting my phone and watch.

Can anyone help me out?

  • It needs to work with Huawei's Android phone as it advertised.

    In that case contact Garmin, and reclaim your rights. We can't help you more than giving you the information that helped others.

  • I don't want to reclaim my rights or something like this. I just wanted to say that saying "it's Huawei's falt" is not correct.

    All I can clearly see that the problem still exists (for quite a long time actually) for many users and Garmin doesn’t seem to know how to fix this. Or even they don't even care much about it. And it's sad

  • You didn't help by giving 2 links that didn't give a real solution that works definitly. Being forced to reboot your phone and/or your watch to make it work few hours is not a solution. This is a bad workaround. It should work as expected and has Garmin said it's working with an android's phone.

  • Totally agree!

    Rebooting your phone for only having sync with you watch once (because it disconnects after 20 minutes) can hardly be called a solution.

  • If you've read only the part about rebooting, then I am not surprised it did not help. In the document there are diverse modifications of parameters mentioned, and even more changes are described in the thread about notifications. I recommend rereading it carefully and really trying it.

  • Already tried all they said in their thread thank you. You didn't read properly what we said.

    I said that rebooting makes it work few minutes / hours. This is the only solution to get the activity synced, even after applied all suggested settings in the thread.

  • I want to say it one more time. I've tried all of this MANY times. I've read all of this MANY times.

  • And what does the Device Sync Audit in GC Menu » Settings tell about the failed syncs?

  • There is no syncing at all reboot your phone. I had my watch on half a day and there was no all! Last sync was 2 days ago

  • There is no syncing at all reboot your phone. I had my watch on half a day and there was no all!

    That's exactly why I am asking what GC tells about the failed syncs. If the app did not sync even if you open it and tap the sync symbol, it should record an audit about the attempt. And the audit can tell you better what's wrong.