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Garmin Live Track not Working correctly

Garmin Live track does not work properly. I use the auto but have opened the IOS app to make sure it running (which it is) before i start the workout  but it does not start tracking until at least 10 minutes into the workout sometimes not at all. I read that turning off wifi would solve the problem but no luck.

This is a safety issue for me and one of the reasons have not moved to another platform.

I have all of the latest updates. Ver 4.23 9/25/19

Please get this fixed or at least a good work around I have not found anything on similar posts that has worked.



  • I used Live Track for the first time yesterday with my Edge 530 and Galaxy S9. 

    Started the activity, Live Track notified me it started, received email confirmation of same, only to find out when I got home from my 2 hour ride, my phone was disconnected and it only tracked me between km10 and km18 of the 43km ride. I've never noticed a disconnect issue before between these two devices.

    As you say, as a "safety" feature, it's pretty poor

  • I have the same issue every time there's an update to the app.

    It usually fixes itself after 3 rides/days.

    I've contacted Customer Support. As you can imagine, that was a waste of time and effort.

    The only way I can fix it, is by starting the LiveTrack manually. Then on the next day before a ride, toggle the Auto start feature on/off and few times to on and hope it works properly when I start to cycle.

    Sometimes clearing the app's cache can help too.

    Then go through the same procedure when there's a new app update.