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How do i change my daily calorie goal?

I have my garmin sync with myfitness app but the daily calorie goal doesnt match. How do i change that in my garmin app?

  • well i came here to post the same question. i'm not encouraged that your question has gone 7 months without an answer and that after 7 months it still seems to be a problem.

    Garmin connect - daily calorie goal is listed as 2500. linked to MFP, which lists daily calorie goal as 2200. tried disconnecting accounts, changing in MFP, nothing works. so am i stuck with the 2500 listing in garmin forever?

  • With Garmin Connect, the Calorie Goal is the goal without taking in account any active Calories burned during the day, and it stays a fixed value the whole day. You have to look on the screen Calories In/Out for the value Adjusted Goal, that then includes also the active Calories burned throughout the day.

    In contrary, at MFP, the Daily Goal is an already adjusted value, so it matches the plain Calorie Goal from GC only before the day starts.

  • yes, this is what i'm saying. before the day starts, GC lists the calorie goal as 2500, MFP lists it at 2200. i can easily change this starting goal in MFP, but there's no way to either change it in GC or make it sync with MFP

  • The daily goal is derived from the RMR, and possibly also from the Weight Goal. It means you have to edit your gender, weight, height, age, the activity class (!), and the weight goal - the Calorie Goal in GC should then raughly match the RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate). It works in similar way in MFP. Some of the values are shared between GC and MFP (for example the current weight), but some are not, so you need to take care they are set equally in both accounts.

  • ah, so that's the key. the daily goal is not sync'd with MFP and garmin sets it on its own based on biometrics. it doesnt really work that way in MFP though. you very much can set a manual daily goal. i change mine regularly depending upon summer/winter training schedules

  • If you get the Just Enduro Watch face, you can set your calorie goal (assuming you mean "Calories burnt") in the watch face. This is your calories burnt per day, according to how you've been moving, resting and exercising.  You then get a progress bar based on this goal. I like this feature very much, since I'm dieting. I can compare the calories burnt with the calories I have eaten and there should be a significant delta - then I'll lose weight. 

  • I have been on the phone to Garmin support and they are not sure how to edit the starting calories. I have updated my goal in both gamin and MFP but it still doesn't translate in the Garmin app, regardless of what my goal is. I have tried deleting and relinking. Does anyone know a workaround for this?