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Cool new feature - time spent in Heart Zones chart :)

This apparently happened in today's new Connect for Android update (since only today's ride shows this, and the app was updated on my phone today).

(Edit to add. Connect wasn't updated today after all, but for some reason today's ride showed this feature, which is odd, since I wear a heart rate monitor for nearly all rides. So that leaves me wondering why it's not happening for ALL rides with a HRM?)

But it seems we now have a nice little bar chart showing time spent in each heart zone...

Time in Heart Zones chart

  • Yes, it's device specific.

  • Makes sense, in some ways, looks like they're rolling it out for older devices. I have a friend whose rides I was able to scroll through and he uses an Edge 500. He had a heart zone chart on Connect web site starting two days before mine did (I used Edge 25). He doesn't use a heart monitor, so the chart was blank. I do, so mine was populated.

    I don't really understand WHY it's device specific though, since you either have heart rate data or you don't, and Connect shouldn't really 'care' which device was used. I expect someone tweaked a legacy setting somewhere on the Connect server and enabled the feature for older devices.

    • How did you change HR range for each zone? I edited them in app and mobile version but they didn't change in the workout. Or it will work only on further activities ? 
  • I've always done this on the Connect website, under "User Settings" then next time you sync your device, it updates the Zones.

    Click the little watch icon, select your device, then choose 'User settings". Then you should be able to see something like this when you scroll down the page...

    Adjust heart rate zones

  • Thank you ! I've already done. Probably will see changes after uploading next sessions