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Solved: Huawei Push Notifications

It is commonly known, that newer Huawei devices got issues with Connect Mobile.
The battery saving tools are killing the background process and Notifications are not being pushed to the watch anymore.

There is an option to exclude the Android battery saving mode:

Settings -> Apps & Notifications -> Apps -> Settings (Icon below) -> Special access -> Ignore Battery optimization -> Change "Allowed" to "All" to see Connect Mobile -> Tap & change

which not entirely work for Huawai devices.

But there is another thing, you can do! You can "Lock" the app from being killed in the Task-view:
" />">
This helped me and the Notifications are being pushed since a whole day without opening Connect Mobile manually.

  • Given all the recent reports of issues with Huawei not playing nice with Garmin, this post needs more exposure.

  • On newer EMUI Versions, you have to pull the app downwards in the Task Viewer.
    In former times, you could archive the lock-symbol by pulling it to the right side.

    As I read, it will change again on EMUI 10, which is already available for some devices. The battery saving setup seems to be disappeard...

    The Honor 10 *should* get the update during the next month. We will see Nerd

  • This is very useful helps. Got back my notification​ after be silent almost a month. THANKS.

  • Seems to have stopped completely with latest software upgrade

  • Not for me. Still works great on Huawei Honor 10!

  • A mi tampoco me funciona mi fenix 5 en el Huawei nova 5t

  • Tengo el huawei p30 y el garmin 945 y desde que cambié ha este teléfono no tengo notificaciones en el reloj. ¿Alguien sabe como solucionarlo? Tengo la actualización del Emui 10

  • Read the folowing thread. Besides the tip from this threads, it includes also several others:

  • Since the app Connect firmware was updated to 4.27 version the problem is still the same. No smart notifications on devices...fr935 and edge530. Nor with the 4.28 and 4.29 firmware. The only notifications are the incoming calls....

    Mate 20pro Android 10 

  • If call notifications go through, then the first thing to verify would be checking whether notification from other appliction are enabled or disabled (GC Menu » Settings » Notifications » App Notifications). If they are all right, then the next step would be going through the troubleshooting guide, and eliminating one step after the other. If you check all, there is no reason why it should not work with you, if it does for others.

    Another possibility might be that your phone's battery saving parameters shut down the concerned applications, and hence that they cannot send any notifications, while being shut down by the phone's OS. So checking that would make sense, too.

    Since the app Connect firmware was updated to 4.27 version

    JFYI, not that it is important, just to avoid the confusion. The word firmware is used for low-level controlling software of physical devices. BIOS is a typical example. Originally, firmware used to be hardcoded into ROMs (Read-Only Memory), and could not be easily replaced, hence the name firmware. In contrary, applications like Garmin Connect are never called firmware; they are typical cases of software.

    Hence when you speak about firmware, it invokes the incorrect impression you speak about the firmware of the watch, while you refer to the phone application software.