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Time in Heart Rate Zones is Broken

The "Time in Heart Rate Zones" has started showing completely spurious and incorrect information. It nearly always shows some activity in Zone 1, but no activity in the other zones. The total % (summing up zones 1 to 5) is rarely higher than 30%. The heart rate data itself is correct, it's just the "time in zones" that is wrong. Looking back through my history of activities the problem started on 25th April. Prior to that date the "time in zones" it shows accurate information.

Anyone else experienced this?
  • Not me – not in Garmin Connect Mobile app v4.4.2 for Android, and not in Garmin Connect Mobile app v4.6.0.8 for iOS.

  • Post a link to an activity. I did ten hours training over the past two days and TIZ is working for me.
  • Here is what I am getting....I can't figure out how to display the zone definitions though

  • Here is what I am getting....I can't figure out how to display the zone definitions though

  • There is no trick to displaying the zone definitions on the axis of the bar chart; they're just there, for me anyway, in the Garmin Connect Mobile apps.

    I'd suggest you:
    • verify in Garmin Connect online that the HR zone settings for your particular wearable device are correct
    • sync your wearable device
    • verify on the device that the HR zones are set correctly
    • record another timed activity
    • check whether the Time In Zones information is tracked correctly on the device after saving the activity
    • check the Time in Zones chart in the Garmin Connect Mobile app after syncing
  • My Heart Rate zones and Intensity Minutes wasn't working properly after I changed my User Settings - Configure Heart Rate Zones to Based on: % of Heart Rate Reserve in the Android Garmin Connect app and setting the zones to what I thought was appropriate for my usage. I then changed that back to % of Max Heart Rate and set the zones accordingly again. Note that the Android Garmin Connect app Heart Rate Zones only shows Zones 1 to 5 and Max Heart Rate in % of Max Heart Rate mode.

    My Heart Rate zones and Intensity Minutes still wasn't working properly and I found that my Resting HR was set to 30 bpm upon checking the VA3 Settings - User Profile - Heart Rate Zones - Default. I have a low Resting HR but it's not that low so I changed it manually to 55 bpm and following which the Heart Rate zones and Intensity Minutes started displaying more reasonable activity again.

    I'm not sure exactly what triggers it (auto updated from Garmin? making manual changes in Android app profile?), I discovered one additional time that the watch Resting HR was set low at 30 bpm again. I changed it back to 55 bpm and it's been that way ever since and I still see reasonable activity in the zones now.

    I suspect the above hidden watch Resting HR (ie because it's not visible in Android Connect app in % of Max Heart Rate mode) being set too low may be what is affecting everyone that is experiencing problems with Heart Rate zones and Intensity Minutes.
  • Reset the heart rate zones in Garmin Connect and now it all seems to work. Not sure if I accidentally changed something that caused it to break or whether the software had a bad moment. Doesn't explain why I received such weird readings, but seems to be fixed now.
  • I have a similar question, When I use a FR235, it shows my HR in zones afterwards but when I use my Edge 810 with a HR belt and power meter, I don't see the times in Zones, as I would expect, my FTP has been set-up, your assistance is appreciated.
  • "Time in zones" is available only for activities recorded by selected devices, that have this feature. Perhaps the 810 does not support time in zones.