Not able to plan a marine route for my GPSMAP79sc

I have just spent $500 in a new GPSMAP79sc handheld and BlueWaters g3 Chart, only to find that there is no way to download the chart to a device with a sizable screen (desktop or tablet) and to plan routes comfortably for further uploading to the handheld

Apparently BaseCamp is not compatible with the g3 Charts, but that are the only my new handheld can handle. So, BAseCamp is not working for me. Alternatively, ActiveCaptain can be used on my tablet, to plan routes, but I cannot see how to transfer the charts from my handheld to the tablet either, as the handheld has no WiFi and the serial number is not recognized by Active Captain.

Anybody having this problem too? I cannot conceive that this is happening. I used to have a GPSMAP 76 years ago and never had these issues.