I've been trying to add my edge 1000 for 2 days, Garmin express recognises the device but then when I try to sync with existing account, I get the error message that there is a problem with the servers ?
Is this a wide problem or just ltd to me?
Have you deleted the device from Express and Connect along with doing the Master Reset? I noticed you have never had a device associated with the svon89 display name. Is is possible you have two accounts and are not entering the correct credentials?
Don't confuse suggestions for other devices or for other users as the solution for your issue. There are a lot of models referenced here and a big difference between a lot of them. I suggest you contact Garmin Support by phone and have the issue looked into further. The Unable to Connect to Services message can point to several different issues. Anything from Internet Connection issues outside Garmin's control to issues with the firmware and files on the device. This issue only effects a very small number of Edge 1000 users. A phone conversation could probably get it resolved much faster than trading limited information on the forums.
I am sorry for the troubles.