My edge 540 used to show up as a desktop icon (disk drive) when connected to my Mac (Ventura 13.7.2). Now it does not. I am missing
the ease of managing routes through a simple, disk-like interface. Thanks.
My edge 540 used to show up as a desktop icon (disk drive) when connected to my Mac (Ventura 13.7.2). Now it does not. I am missing
the ease of managing routes through a simple, disk-like interface. Thanks.
There is no Finder setting that is going to fix this...
After a firmware update (don't exactly know which one) the Edge 540 does not use the USB Mass Storage Mode anymore, but instead it uses MTP.
Finder cannot use MTP, so it won't show your Edge 540 anymore. You can still access the device with Express or BaseCamp, but never both at the same time! This is important because Express is set to start automatically when a device is connected, switch that off in the settings of Express if you want to use other programs.
To access the files directly on the Edge you can use OpenMTP.