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When will Garmin Express allow to download updates of maps without device connected to the computer?


Do you have any idea when will Garmin Express allow to download updates of maps without device connected to the computer?

I am very irritated because I got Garmin Fenix 7 and Edge 1040, and really Garmin devices in some aspects feel like stuck in 2010 and not caching up to competitors regarding simplicity.

I understand that there is push to release new features all the time and this costs current features to not to be polished but come on Garmin!

In one hand you write in your faq how to threat battery to last longer, and on the other hand you create maps for whole continents which in my case would be downloaded in 3h per continent. It would’ve good to wait this 3 hours but download failed so many times that I prefer to have stock maps and not spend all day in front of computer. Yes I performed all the steps from your help web page and even reinstalled fully Garmin Express, but I would gladly see at least possibility to download updates of maps without plugging device to the computer and not to charge it all the time.

Also why in 2023 Garmin Express doesn’t allow to pause and resume of downloading updates? Maybe this would fix the problem where connection to your servers will break in the middle, and I will not have to start all over again from 0%.

Please listen Garmin as this is not funny. I prefer to have reliable devices which have less functions than devices with so many flaws (other problems are for another time). I am really looking forward for implementing improvements from your side and not only pushing new features to your devices which are used for 5% of buyers of your products.

Thank you!

  • i agree wholeheartedly. the software itself is buggy and let's be honest, feels like a flashback from the early 2000s.

  • Express in my experience does start a download where it left off if the connection is broken. Unsure why you're not experiencing that.

  • Maybe you are using different Garmin device or maybe you have different Garmin Express. Mine doesn't allow to resume download when previous download crashed. Also I have very often issue with my Garmin Fenix that Garmin Express is asking me to unplug and plug again device after "successful" update of maps, apps, software etc. This is another thing which is very annoying and we are still speaking only with software used mostly for updates (and guess, I also have something to say regarding devices itself).

    Really if this devices would not have such amazing battery life, I would ditch them without remorse because I feel sometimes like I am using old hammer when I could use pneumatic hammer instead.

  • It does it automatically, you're not offered an option to resume.

  • I agree That I would like to update my maps without the device.  One reason is my update took >6 hours, and I cannot use the GPS.  Yes my internet was 48mb/s and 32 GB RAM.  The download took only about 30 minutes, but the rest of the time was configuring the maps to my 700i.  So yes it would be nice to place my update on my microSD card.

  • You can install the map to a sd card if you want to but it's not advised and is not much quicker than installing it to your device, plus there are numerous other files that are downloading during a map update that many devices require. If you're keen to know more see