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Map update to micro SD

Former Member
Former Member
Hello everybody,

Perhaps a stupid question but one I would love to have answered.
I have a nuvi 2555LM and the device storage is full. I bought a 4Gb MicroSD card to install the latest Map update.
When I start Express and start the map update download I get the following message:

"Memory Card Detected

We'll use the memory card currently in your device to install Full Coverage of North America.

Note: Critical files are going to be loaded to the memory card, so it must remain in your device at all times (even after the update). If the card is removed, your device will not work."

Does this mean that I can't use other maps that I have on MicroSD anymore? The way I read it is that when I remove the MicroSD card with the map update and insert my City Navigator Europe map, the device won't work anymore.
Is this true?

Thanks in advance.
  • mbvisser

    You can use the maps you have installed to the card. What that message means, is that if you take the SD card that you use to install the maps out of the device, those specific maps will not work. If you install a different SD card that has maps, the device will read those maps.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    Thank you for your quick response Albert.

    I'm happy to know that I can safely install the map update on the MicroSD card without having to be afraid
    the device won't work anymore without that MicroSD. I do think it's a bit of a strange message.
    I think it would be clearer if it said that the map won't work when the card is not present.
    The message states that the device won't work anymore which sounds a lot more ominous.
    Thanks again.