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Garmin Express & No Map Data

nuvi 1490MT All latest updates installed.

1) Express doesn't recognize the 16GB memory card--keep getting a "not enough space" message. Absolutely no way to overcome this bug. Workaround was to plug card into directly into USB and download to computer pathing to that drive letter. Express still doesn't see it but I do get an acknowledgement that all maps are current along with updates. Who knows, maybe they are--maybe they aren't. Can't find a way to confirm it. Boot Camp says loaded maps are not "lockable".

2) Now, my unit simply gives me the message "No Map Data". There is no way to get past this stage so the 1490 has now become a hockey puck. One solution found is to remove the battery and reset everything. I would do that if I could find a screw driver that fits those screws. Still searching my local stores.

I have to say that this map update process is the most frustrating experience I have ever had with any electronic/frimware/software device.
  • 1) You can check if the latest map is installed in Tools, Settings, Map, Map Info

    2) If you're getting no map data is the map selected in Map Info? There is also some info here that may help

    If no map is listed and that FAQ doesn't help then come back for more help. While it's clearly frustrating for you my 1490 has updated without issue for years.
  • I would have thought that "not enough space" had to do with the device. How much free space does you computer say the 1490 has? I think it started with 4G.

    Could you remove un-needed files from 1490 (like voices, help, etc) to free up space?

    How was the SD card formatted?

    I suggest you delete any files from the miroSD card, delete the Nuvi from Express, remove the microSD card from the Nuvi then check the Map Info screen for the any installed map version. You may be able to correct the issue by simply adding the device/w microSD card back to Express then Changing the Map Region.

    How do I reinstall maps or change coverage using Garmin Express?

    Express should recognize the available space on the microSD card and prompt to use it. Do not for any reason point the map install location to the SD card manually. If Express does not recognize the SD card, try a different one or read through the FAQ:

    Why won't the map update applications recognize the SD card?

  • Hello SUSSAMB,

    1) Tools>Settings>Map>Info gives me zero info. No response from the unit at all--with or without the SD card. Good satellite signal.
    2) No Map Data is the response I get as soon as I try to use the "Where to" and then any option.
    This unit has never been without issues since I bought it.
    Already went the route of the FAQ without success.

    SD card is a 16GB Lexar and is formatted FAT 32.
    It was working until the last attempt to update the maps.
  • jgermann,

    The message does refer to the device because the SD card isn't being recognized. Computer tells me I have 1.76GB free and the SD is 15GB free (empty). FAT 32.
  • Well then you have no maps loaded. Remove the sd card then run Express and see what happens. You should be told there isn't enough space and to insert a sd card, or to select a smaller map region.

    Note it's not unknown for cards to be faulty, are you able to try a different card? Also ensure it clicks into place.
  • SD card reformatted--FAT 32. Uni deleted from Express. Get zero information or response when trying to get map info...except for window GUI it's a blank screen and never responds. I can't add the device with the SD card because Express doesn't see it. Have tested the card in other devices and it's good.

    Removed card and reformatted. Removed unit from Express. Plugged 1490 into computer and launched Express. Express still does not see the SD card. Went ahead with the map install but it hung for twenty minutes.

    As mentioned in above reply. I had managed to get the unit working with the card at the earlier update--after numerous tries and with great difficulty--but this update was entirely unsuccessful.
  • What makes you think 'it hung for 20 minutes'? A map update can take far longer than that.

    If it did really hang check your firewall, AV program etc aren't blocking the download.

    As a last resort try the cloning method
  • Thank you for the response.

    For 20 minutes the progress bar remained unchanged. The estimated download time was 20 minutes. Repeated the procedure of deleting the 1490 from Express and detecting it again--still no SD card detected by Express. Went ahead and tried another download and received the same "not enough space" message. However, Boot camp does recognize the 1490 and the card, and tells me there are "no maps unlocked maps loaded". I had already checked the maps on the website and the ones I use (US & Canada) are listed as not lockable.

    The cloning method you suggest is exactly what I did without success. The card accepted the files but the 1490 doesn't see them.

    I believe it all comes down to this: The 1490 unit was faulty right out of the box. That's why it took me forever to update the first time after I bought it in 2012. Each subsequent update was more difficult and now it's impossible. It can only be assumed that the unit has a circuit flaw that does not allow it to see the SD card. The computer sees it and Base Camp sees it, but the 1490 doesn't and, therefore, neither does Express.

    Out of desperation, I will go out and buy a new card tomorrow and try it, but if this SD card already works in other devices--that will probably be a waste of time and money.
  • One more note: Before reformatting the SD card, Boot Camp recognized the maps on it and listed them as "unlockable". But the two map sets were there. I could repeat direct-to-SD download, but if the 1490 doesn't see the card, there is little point in doing that now.