How to install update on SD card?

I have lifetime map updates for my Nüvi 2559, but now the update is larger than what the available memory. So I got my self a 32GB SD card that I inserted in my Nüvi 2559. When attempting the update Garmin express complains that something is wrong, under tools and utilities I can see there is only 1,5GB available space on teh unit, but I have 30 GB of free space on the SD card.
But how do I get Garmin Express to use the SD card?
I've seen some video that that you are supposed to get some question during the updates process, but I just have to agree to terms and conditions and then install.

  • Make sure the card is formatted as FAT32.

  • Yup!  It is likely that a newly purchased 32GB card came preformatted with an exFAT file system.  Garmin requires SD cards to be formatted with a FAT32 file system.

  • 32 GB SD cards (and smaller) are usually formatted with FAT32, larger cards are formatted with exFAT.

    For the device itself the correct format of the SD is very important, for Garmin Express it doesn't really matter. It will update devices or SD cards with an incompatible format without problems (the device cannot read them though).

    Express has a history with several device models where it refused to put the maps on the SD card. A possible solution is to install the map on your PC only and after that installing the map on your SD with Garmin MapInstall.

  • A new version of Garmin Express, is available.  With your device disconnected do the update.  Then, memory card out of the device, do a format (FAT32).  Connect the device without the memory card, attempt the update and insert the card when prompted.

  • Thanks, indeed the new version appeared and and I installed it.

    Trying to install the updated did not ask me to insert SD card, it just reported there was an error.
    I then tried to insert the SD card (32GB formated as FAT32 with default block size), same error, see screenshots below

  • Like I wrote before: install the map on your computer, and when it's done use MapInstall to install the map(s) on your device.

  • Like I wrote before: install the map on your computer, and when it's done use MapInstall to install the map(s) on your device.

    I am curious about this because I do not understand how this in done from within GE.  AFAIK, In GE you have to go into map details > options for the specific map on the device, which then offers the option to install that map to the PC.  What is the process for installing a new map directly to the PC?

  • In the third screenshot I see an option "Computer only". Check that option, and Express won't complain anymore that there isn't enough room on the device. It will install the map on your computer.

  • Thanks.  I don't believe I have ever seen the installation options when updating my zumo XT.  I have always updated the XT and then reconnected to GE and did the install to PC.  I will certainly be looking for it next time.

  • Well, it depends on the device model. Some will show the PC option only the second time (known for the zumo XT), others won't show it at all (zumo XT2).

    In Jakob Åsell's case it is displayed right away, as is shown in his screen shots. I observed the same with my nüvi 2595 and other, older devices than the zumo XT. So it should work in his case, but it's not applicable for everybody.