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Garmin Express Can't See My SD Card

Where can I find the article "Why won't the map update applications recognize the SD card."

I read many discussions about this but have no answer for me yet.  One tip I am trying to follow up on is to read said article, but I cannot find it anywhere - including at the Garmin support site.

I recently installed Express on my new Windows 11 machine.  It will not install a new map because I don't have enough memory and suggests that in install a card.  I have a 16G card installed.  The card is formatted Fat32.

Basecamp sees the card and can read from it and write to it.  The Navigator V sees the card and can read/write.  Windows Explorer sees the card and can read/write. 

This morning I tried my old Windows 7 machine with Express  It recognized the card and loaded the new map (City Navigator 2026.1, US version).

Most of the discussion on this topic suggests faulty card, not formatted correctly, not fully installed.   Clearly, this is something else.

P.S.  I have a BMW Navigator V which is no longer supported by Garmin so I cannot ask them.