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New Garmin Express update 8/16/2024 resumed altering Windows startup options

I believe the latest update of Garmin Express sets an option in Windows to start Garmin Express when Windows starts. Garmin stopped doing that many updates ago when it started inserting a new task in the Windows Task Schedule that runs every day to start Garmin Express. But I think it resumed changing the Windows startup options with the latest update.  It still inserts a task to run every day that does the same thing.  So users who want Garmin Express installed but still want to keep Windows lean and free of running vendor software will now need to change both Windows startup options and the Windows Task schedule after a Garmin Express update.

  • Although I did find the Task to run GE daily in the Scheduler my GE installation did not have the "run at startup" enabled.  

  • Interesting, JohnfromPA.  I only know Windows opened a notification saying Garmin Express was set to run at startup after the last update.  I used Windows settings to disable the startup without checking the setting in Garmin Express itself.  I assume you did not receive the Windows notification after the update and that Garmin Express is not enabled in startup on your system.  If it matters, someone reading this who hasn't updated yet could disable the startup option both in Windows startup apps and Garmin Express options and then report here what those settings are after the update.

  • If it matters, someone reading this who hasn't updated yet could disable the startup option both in Windows startup apps and Garmin Express options and then report here what those settings are after the update.

    I will be updating GE shortly.  It is not a startup app in Windows now so I have nothing to disable.  One important thing to determine is whether the startup setting in GE gets enabled by the update.  I will report what I see.

    Regarding the original post, the Garmin update task referenced in that post is different from GE being started in the background during system startup.  The Garmin update task (GarminUpdaterTask) is added as a scheduled task by every installation and upgrade.  There is no way to disable it from within the GE interface.  You can delete the task from Task Scheduler but it will be added back the next time you do an upgrade.  It is only visible in Task Manager when run as administrator.

  • I'm back.  GE has been updated to 7.23.0.  Nether the launch at startup or keep running in background options were enabled by the update.  I attached my zumo XT then checked to confirm that the option to install maps to computer was there.  I was offered a map update to iOverlander Worldwide GPI (whatever that is).  It completed successfully.  The Garmin updater task was added to Task Scheduler as expected.

  • Thanks, Peabody.  I cannot explain why my Windows system notified me that Garmin Express (ver. had been set to run at startup.  You didn't say explicitly that you checked Windows for the apps enabled to launch on Windows startup, but I assume Garmin Express was still disabled there after the update since it's clear from your post that you understand Windows Task Manager.

  • Garmin Express was not a startup app prior to my update.

    In your initial post you mentioned "Task Scheduler".  I'm relatively new to Garmin products (3 yrs) and the only task I have seen Garmin create in Task Scheduler is the update task I mentioned.  The "Launch Garmin Express when your computer starts up" option does not create and entry in Task Scheduler.  It adds the express.exe program to the Startup list in Task Manager.

  • I think that is all correct. I believe the most recent update, added the task to the task schedule and added itself to the startup, queue in Task Manager. Apparently, the update only created the task in the task schedule for other users.

  • Apparently, the update only created the task in the task schedule for other users.

    A Garmin Express installation requires admin credentials so it's not surprising that the update task is only visible to an admin user.