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GE will not re- load " Already Installed " message Win 11

I had the latest version of GE on my Dell laptop , Win 11

I turned it on to load GE, I do this regularly

Tried to load from desktop, error message received saying  something like " link invalid "

I went to the  main directory of Progs/Apps .  tried to start the program  , same message

Several tries later , same result I decided to Uninstall  GE 

used the Windows facility, all seemingly good

Not so 

I tried to reinstall having downloaded V 7.22.1 and the " Already installed"  message appears

I used Uninstall pro on my PC and it cleared off a few items which were left

No change  

Having checked advice on line

Trying   a Microsoft tool to clear old install/uninstall files  when  problems occur  (  this tool is now redundant and doesn't mention Win 11)


checked a Garmin page  to 

Uninstall  via   Appwiz      GE  did not appear

then next   Regedit to clear the registry.  Again no GE records or lines  appeared

Back to square one, same message

Any suggestions please?

Mike D

The only other Garmin prog I have is Basecamp, I dont use this  . No other Garmin Software

  • This is for Windows 10 so you may need to modify the process slightly.

    Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.  Using the search at top right find the file GarminExpressInstaller.exe.  Establish the full path to this file.  In Windows 10 you can use the toolbar by right clicking it and selecting Copy address as text.  In my case, and yours will be different it reads C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{9c7ffc5d-200e-4c88-8745-95a5eb7f6cdf}.  Once you have that full addresst hen go to an elevated Run command (select run as administrator) and paste in a command similar to that below which is for my Garmin Express. Paste it exactly as shown, quotation marks etc. but replace my folder name, the part that starts with {9c7ff... with your folder name.

    "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{9c7ffc5d-200e-4c88-8745-95a5eb7f6cdf}\GarminExpressInstaller.exe" /uninstall

    and paste it in the Run command window and click OK then follow the prompts.

  • John

    Thanks for all that

    I went to the areas you mention and there is no mention of GE

    Going to the Package Cache section, typing in Garmin does not find anything in search area under  Win11

    However I clicked on each line and only found Basecamp

    Reading  your helpful instruction it I think   implies that GE is installed.. In my case I think I have uninstalled it or thought I had 

    There is something lurking somewhere which is telling Win 11 GE is still there but it is not

    The only thing I found was some GE log files but I doubt if those would be a trigger or block really

    I have gone through all the Register lines I think appropriate but to no avail

    Any other suggestions please


  • After making a backup, I would use the tools within the Registry Editor to find and remove entries.  An alternative would be to follow the procedure at Uninstalling GE

  • Yeah !!  Sorted !  Thanks John


    I had already done your second suggestion and "uninstalled" GE   according to Win 11

    This where I started with this thread

    As suggested I did the Registry Backup

    Then went to Regedit > Edit > Search     looked for " Garmin express"

    There were loads of entries in different sections

    Some seemed to be just a Name index both for GE and Garmin Ltd but  more were old versions previously installed hidding in those  files with 30 letters digits

    there were two versions of the latest GE

    Zapped all those linnes and entries and any other the Search dished up

    Held my breath, rebooted and it went for a clean/new instal

    It even still had all my Device Data

    So,  good to go!

    Thanks again John



  • Just as an extension to this thread, I subsequently had an issue with Base camp

    it would load and crash.  Installed/ uninstall  failed to correct

    so I used the regedit routine above to delete any “ basecamp “ files

    regedit backup first

    there were hundreds of lines to delete BUT it worked. Reinstalled BaseCamp. All good