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Why is the update of my devices and maps so sloooooooooow???

I know this is an old issue but we should all not stop to complain to make garmin react some day.

Today I started an update of my etrex32x and it is still running after more than 4hours and more to come. Right now it says 3h 12 min. and a data rate of 500KB/s.
What is wrong here???

Is there any possible way to make it faster???

  • In my experience anytime I find an exceedingly slow process, I have found it to be something "system" related; not the Garmin and not the email.  The other day for instance I was checking email, it was exceedingly slow.  Some investigation indicted that in the background Windows 10 was doing about 4 or 5 updates.  I usually have these updates set to pause, but the maximum pause interval was 7 weeks, and that time had run out.

    What have you done to rule out other issues besides the Garmin device or Garmin Express?  Keep in mind that you are likely not the only one out there attempting to update an etrex32x or similar device.  Yet the forums are not proliferated with current complaints.

  • Man, whenever someone complains someone else says it is their fault, not Garmin. This is so ridicolous.

    The update lasted for circa 7hours to complete. What do you think my computer is doing for 7hours to slow poor Garmin out??? 

    There are maybe less complains right now because you can read everywhere that the update is slow. So most people think, ok I am not the only one, it is normal....and they dont feel to have to write in this forum. Also you have to sign in and so on .... People are lazy you know.

    To make this clear: It is not the problem from the user it is a problem Garmin has to fix. And Garmin alone could even fix it. We end user have no way to make it better.

    Its not Windows its not my internet connection or whatever. ITS GARMIN. 

    Can they please do something about it!? It is not acceptable.

  • If you think it's a Garmin issue then call Product Support for help. As stated above the vast majority of issues are due to a problem at the user end. If you believe that's not the case with you only Garmin can check your account etc.