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Garmin GPS 16x HVS is having trouble determining the current location

I have an Issue with connecting a Garmin GPS 16x - HVS and receiving the exact location
Setting up a Garmin GPS 16x HVS is made with a Moxa UPort 1150i (serial connection to USB).

Hardware connections

Connection of the Garmin GPS 16x HVS to the Moxa UPort 1150i using a serial adapter.

At this point checked hardware connections. From physical inspection - connection is reliable: GPS is compatible with MOXA according to instruction. GPS to MOXA is connected via White (yellow); Blue (red); Black+Yellow (ground); Red (red) =12V. Power supply is provided via AC/DC Adaptor with output 12V. GPS in an open area for fourteen days in row

All necessary drivers have been installed for the Moxa UPort 1150i before connecting it to computer to an available USB port. Also check the Device Manager on computer to ensure the USB to serial adapter is recognized and working properly. GPS is connected with a Moxa to port COM1 on baude rate 38400, data format - NMEA.

Software connections

Checked for firmware updates for Garmin GPS. Updating the firmware is done according to the latest version from GPS configuration via SNSRXCFG_350.exe ( and Update.exe (, 079601000450.rgn 178601000450.rgn Updater.exe) 

Used for test different software - Gps Information.exe and Franson Gps Gate.

As the result -  Franson GPS Gate established: GPS data but no position

Verified again the serial connection: Ensured that the serial connection between the Garmin GPS and the Moxa UPort 1150i is secured and properly configured. Tried using a different USB port or cable to rule out any connection problems, even different MOXA. Furthermore, made reset GPS settings, because U suspect that the GPS settings may be incorrect, tried resetting the Garmin GPS 16x HVS to its factory defaults and reconfigure GPS to its factory defaults by Hex code (100A022600CE1003), which i send into GPS via COM1 port in Pccomterminal.

After resetting the GPS, I switch off all output with by sending it the following string in PccomTerminal: $PGRMO,,2<cr><lf>
Then switched only $GPRMC on by sending it the following string. $PGRMO,GPRMC,1<cr><lf> And also switched on by sending the following string. $PGRMC,,,,,,,,,,,,2

Without any result having trouble determining the current location

Garmin GPS 16x HVS is having trouble determining the current location.
Have you ever faced with such gps troubles?