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Old Files in various places under C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Maps

I have seen some details in old threads but they are locked so I have clicked to create a new one.

I have a Garmin Edge Explore cycle computer and a Garmin Nuvi 56 car SatNav.

I am running Windows 10 Pro.

My Garmin directory C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Maps is currently 73.6 GB.

I can see three copies of City Navigator Europe going back to 31/01/2019. Can I just delete the older two?
That would save me over 10 GB.

Most of the rest seems to be under C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Map

I seem to have two 10GB cycle maps and some car (presumably) maps.

I would like some guidance, please, on which I can delete because they are no longer needed.

Are there other locations I should also be looking for old redundant files?

  • You can certainly delete all but the most recent ones. As for the most recent you can delete them if you wish, they are only there to assist if you either have to reload the map to your device or have other devices to update. Even if you have they would be recreated if either of those circumstances applied. 

  • Thanks - very useful.

    I was agonising over just saving the latest or latest -1.

    I do wonder what the 6GB ones are - updates to the main map?

    Anyway, 75 GB is about 1/3 of a 250 GB (nominal) HDD so this will be a welcome release of space.

    Any other folders/directories I should be looking at?

  • In the folder C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Map are numerous folders named Map_Map.NA2021.20 or similar. Each folder is 6+ GB.  I delete all but the latest.

    In the folder C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Applicationthere are folders named or something similar. Each of those folders are 112 MB.   I delete all but the latest.

    In the folder C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Firmware there are folders named Firmware_Firmware.006-B19948.00.8.80 or something similar. Each of these folders is about 83 MB. I had 40 of these folder, for a total of 3.3 GB!   I delete all but the latest.

    In the folder C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Logs\Express the log files are relatively small but can be deleted.   I delete all but the latest.  Many of these files are the result of an entry in the Windows Task Scheduler named GarminUpdaterTask. The description is "Keeps your Garmin Software up to date". It is set to run at 2:00 AM and the task properties are set as "Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed".  That can be disabled which will prevent the creation of many of the log files in the future.

    Lastly of course, clean out the Recycle Bin or you won’t really gain available space.

  • I never get those last 3 .... 

  • I have read elsewhere that Basecamp may need some files, and should be used to delete files.

    I've fire up Basecamp and it does show three versions of the main map files, but doesn't seem to offer an option to remove older versions.

    Is there an option that I have missed in Basecamp or do I follow advice as above to just delete old versions from file store?

  • OK - just used Widows Program Uninstaller to remove two older versions.

    However I still have the old files associated with them, as detailed above.

    I will now start removing them.

  • BaseCamp cannot delete maps, but if you're struggling then JaVaWa's GMTK program can do so

  • If you want to do a good general cleanup of a drive I suggest you download and run a utility called TreeSize Free.  It will quite nicely inventory your drive and show you what will have the greatest impact.  You will find the utility at TreeSize Free.  Once installed (very small) run it, select the drive of interest (top left corner) and allow it to inventory the selected drive.  Depending on the drive size, it might take as much as a minute.  Then, unless you are certain of what you may be deleting, it is always a good idea to use the web to determine the safety of any actions.  The Windows included Disc Cleanup will often recover a few GB as well. 

  • Thanks.
    If you look up thread you will see a screen shot from TreeSize Free. Relaxed