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Garmin Express No Longer Supports Windows OS versions 8 and Older

With the release of Garmin Express 7.18.0, support for Windows OS versions 8 and older is being dropped.

The latest version of Garmin Express, including 7.18.0, may still work on these older OSes.

However, we will no longer be investigating and resolving any issues that arise in Garmin Express on OSes 8 and older.

For those experiencing issues running 7.18.0 on older OSes, the last supported version 7.17.3 is available for download here:

Please refer to our FAQ:

Garmin Express Requirements Update for macOS and Windows


The above link to download Garmin Express version 7.17.3 has been changed to download version 7.18.3 which may resolve some of the issues launching Garmin Express on Windows 7. 

If launching Garmin Express continues to fail, please contact Product Support in your region as we will need additional information in order to see if we can determine the root cause of the failure.

Please Note:  While we will research the issue, we may not be able to offer a resolution other than using a computer with a newer operating system.

Thank you.