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Wrong Garmin Express Image


Has anyone had the issue where your watch is recognized as something else in Garmin Express ?

  • Hi,

    Try to remove and add your watch again.

    Right click on watch and "remove from express"

  • Done that to no avail, also have reinstallled Garmin Express and since it was new year formated the PC aswell :)

    And its the same with other PC's.

  • Wrong forum. Look for Garmin Connect under Apps & Software.

  • I moved it to the Garmin Express Windows (assume it's Windows) forum.

  • Do you have normal functionality between GE and the device?  Maybe your device doesn’t have a dedicated image, more like what you show as a “class” of devices.

    By the way, do you typically format your PC just because it is a new year?  I would need some very serious issues before ever feeling I need to format my PC.

  • "Do you have normal functionality between GE and the device?  Maybe your device doesn’t have a dedicated image, more like what you show as a “class” of devices." Mostly i do get the ocasional hickup with syncing.

    "By the way, do you typically format your PC just because it is a new year?  I would need some very serious issues before ever feeling I need to format my PC." 
    I format my PC everytime i feel there is something that isnt working as expected or have some odd behaviour i cannot account for.
    I mostly work in IT and i have accesses that i dont take lightly. So yes everytime i feel like there is an "odd" issue ... reset is triggered.

    And feel free to call me paranoid, crazy everything may be true but because im crazy or paranoid doesnt make me wrong Slight smile

    Anyways thanks for the input :)

  • Hello,

    Has anyone managed to fix the issue? My Venu 2s shows up with the same generic image (3 Garmin devices) Reinstalling done, reconnecting done, different usb cables tried. I run WIndows 11 (if that matters).