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SLOW map downloads - what IS the solution?

Yes, I know there are multiple messages on this subject.  Yes, I know I will be told "most people don't have a problem" and to contact my ISP.  Nonetheless, there ARE issues with Garmin map downloads and clearly, many people DO have an issue.  I have put up with it for years (multiple ISPs).  It's a pain, especially with multiple Garmin devices and PC's.

I have a fibre connection with my ISP.  1GB up/down speeds (about 800Mb/s confirmed on my PC).  Unlimited internet data.  My ISP does NOT throttle downloads.

I use direct wired connections to my computers (no WiFi).

I only have this issue with Garmin.  Yes, they are probably the largest files to download, but other large files, from other suppliers, transfer very fast.  And no, I'm not talking about buffered streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube or others that only really run at a few Mb/s.

When I first start the download on my Windows 10 computer, things move along quite well (20-30Mb/s) but then they slowly dwindles down to 400kb/s and finally it just times-out (ya, it sure looks like its being throttled, but where?).

I then tried my older Windows 7 laptop and the download was successful.  Although it did take a while (as expected), speeds were reasonable (consistent ~8Mb/s +).

I tried my Win10 computer with the same painfully slow response as noted above.  (even just downloading to the PC, not to the Garmin device).

I'm using Garmin Express

So, if the issue is NOT Garmin, and it is NOT my ISP, what is the issue?

Is there some incompatibility with Windows 10?  Firewall?  MS Defender?

This IS an issue for many users.  There must be better guidance.

Has anyone actually SOLVED this puzzle?

  • the progress only made it to a few percent.  Not even close to 50%

    I changed nothing, and  ran the "reinstall" again and this time, it choked at 6.1%.  I ended to process after 10 minutes.

    Did not not see and changes in USB Tree

    I used a screen recorder and I uploaded this file.  I think it interesting that the file is 40MB in size and it took less than 5 seconds to upload to this server.  Please have a look.

  • Thanks again.

    I assume that there is some old content in this folder (downloaded cached maps from the previous attempts, perhaps also older versions):


    If so, can you delete it all and try again?

    Also, how much free space do you have left on your C: drive?

  • here is the material in C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Map

    I deleted it (moved it actually) and restarted the process again

    I have over 700GB of space remaining on my C: drive

    This time the download started fast (up to 37MB/s) but then began to steadily slow down after 30 seconds

    Progress did not go beyond 10.1% although the data indicated it was (apparently) still running at a couple of MB/s.

    I ended it after 10 minutes.

    I did end up with an .img file in C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Map\Map_Map.NA.2022.20\rmu\na\2022_20\65cc97ff-f5aa-4410-bd55-a37e50715bf7\img\006-d2338-43\rev_0a

    This experience is very typical of what I see when attempting Garmin map downloads

  • Thanks again.

    What your GE log(s) are telling you now about the above (assume download was taking place but became somehow throttled) - any hints in there?

    Also (and it's a long shot admittedly) did you try to connect your unit to another USB port on your PC and try again?

    EDITED TO ADD: How does your network utilisation look (via Task Manager) when you restart this process?

  • Also (and it's a long shot admittedly) did you try to connect your unit to another USB port on your PC and try again?

    Good idea.  I'll try that.

    How does your network utilisation look (via Task Manager) when you restart this process?

    Another good thought.  Will try.

    What your GE log(s) are telling you?

    There are many lines in the logs and, of course I do not the significance of all of them.  I have chosen a number of lines that I thought were of significance.

    selected lines from  from  Express.log in C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Logs
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0780 |  10 | I | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 setting phase to Downloading.
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0990 |  10 | I | Downloading 25
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.1290 |   8 | I | Starting Download {@Downloadable}
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.3529 |  27 | I | 2c119856 - Beginning download at byte index 0. (OK)
    2021-07-19 09:58:58.7202 |  20 | I | Creating new get device details task for 3985273714
    2021-07-19 09:58:58.7202 |  20 | I | No XML repair required
    2021-07-19 09:58:58.7422 |  20 | I | Creating new get device details task for 3826468986
    2021-07-19 09:58:58.7422 |  20 | I | Creating new get device details task for 3985273714
    2021-07-19 10:00:15.1882 |  10 | D | Update service cannot download updates in the background
    2021-07-19 10:00:15.1882 |  10 | D | Scheduled next background download check in 60 minutes.
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1545 |   1 | I | Showing modal: Garmin.Omt.Express.UI.Navigation.MessageViewModel
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1885 |   1 | I | Flushing telemetry...
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1885 |   1 | E | Client Version:
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1885 |   1 | E | Unhandled Exception
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    selected lines from  from  ExpressDetailed.log in C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Logs

    2021-07-19 09:50:14.2243 |   1 | I | App | SessionId: b4bbc76e-1133-4a41-80c2-129535acb836
    2021-07-19 09:50:14.5056 |   1 | I | App | express, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    2021-07-19 09:50:14.5056 |   1 | I | App | Version:
    2021-07-19 09:50:14.5056 |   1 | I | App | Current Garmin Locale: en_US  
    2021-07-19 09:50:15.4430 |  10 | I | EventService | Error report transmission finished.
    2021-07-19 09:50:15.4899 |  10 | I | ProxyHelper | Setting proxy to automatic.
    2021-07-19 09:50:15.9430 |   9 | I | ProxyHelper | Setting proxy to automatic.
    2021-07-19 09:50:15.9586 |   1 | I | SyncService | Sync Service Started.
    2021-07-19 09:50:15.9586 |   1 | I | SyncService | Auto Sync Devices:  
    2021-07-19 09:50:15.9586 |   1 | I | App | Initializing proxy to Auto.
    2021-07-19 09:50:15.9586 |   1 | I | ProxyHelper | Setting proxy to automatic.
    2021-07-19 09:50:16.9898 |   7 | I | SerializationHelper | Unable to deserialize C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\account_list.xml. File is empty.
    2021-07-19 09:50:17.5285 |  10 | I | TrayManager | Tray does not have launch permissions
    2021-07-19 09:50:23.4413 |   1 | I | NavigationService | Failed to get CustomerGuid. Is connect optional: False
    2021-07-19 09:51:03.6236 |  10 | I | Projector | Total size of internal files to remove: 7689021394 bytes
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0720 |  10 | I | AutomotiveOemRule | AutomotiveOEM rule does not apply. Device is not a AutomotiveOEM device.
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0720 |  10 | I | AutomotiveOemRule | AutomotiveOEM rule does not apply. Device is not a AutomotiveOEM device.
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0780 |  10 | I | Under2GBRule | Under2GBRule does not apply. Device is not an Under 2GB prom unit.
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0780 |  10 | I | InternalInstallRule | Internal install rule applies!
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0780 |  10 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase None.
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0780 |  10 | I | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 setting phase to Downloading.
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0780 |  10 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.0990 |  10 | I | FileDownloader | Downloading 25
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.1290 |   8 | I | LogProvider | Starting Download {@Downloadable}
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.3529 |  27 | I | LogProvider | 2c119856 - Beginning download at byte index 0. (OK)
    2021-07-19 09:51:04.8652 |   7 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
    2021-07-19 09:51:05.3753 |   8 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
    2021-07-19 09:51:05.8755 |  30 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
      ^ snip - there are over 1,090 lines similar to the above  ^
    2021-07-19 10:00:15.1882 |  10 | D | UpdateService | Update service cannot download updates in the background
    2021-07-19 10:00:15.1882 |  10 | D | UpdateService | Scheduled next background download check in 60 minutes.
    2021-07-19 10:00:15.2197 |   9 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
    2021-07-19 10:00:15.7196 |   5 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
    2021-07-19 10:00:16.2194 |  10 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
      ^ snip - there are over 1,090 lines similar to the above  ^
    2021-07-19 10:00:39.4546 |   5 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
    2021-07-19 10:00:39.9548 |  32 | T | OperationStatus | UpdateMapOperation_Map.NA.2022.20_3985273714 Reporting phase Downloading.
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1545 |   1 | I | NavigationService | Showing modal: Garmin.Omt.Express.UI.Navigation.MessageViewModel
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1885 |   1 | I | TelemetryClient | Flushing telemetry...
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1885 |   1 | E | App | Client Version:
    2021-07-19 10:00:40.1885 |   1 | E | App | Unhandled Exception
    2021-07-19 10:00:49.3876 |   1 | I | TrayManager | Full application shutdown clicked   < this was me

  • FYI- this issue is not Windows specific but affects Macs as well. Garmin map downloads are always SLOOOOOW.  I am currently 70 min into a NUVI map update and only 75% complete and showing a download speed of 364 KB/sec (yes KB/s).  Like most all reporting this issue I have no trouble downloading large files from other sources. IMHO blaming ISPs, limited drive space, cables, etc. is nonsense (for most reported cases).  Faithful Garmin users deserve a solution rather than excuses.

  • I need my DA51 for a road trip in 2 days.  I'll resume some testing after that.

  • Follow-up:

    I was able to successfully download and update my Nuvi 1300 map.  Overall time was ~2hrs 15min.   Disappointed

  • Yet the vast majority have no issues. If you feel the issue lies with Garmin then call Product Support for detailed help 

  • As a 10+ yr Garmin customer (with multiple Garmin devices (inc a new Edge 530) and multiple contacts with Garmin support over the years) I disagree that the "vast majority have no issues".  Numerous on-line threads (and most of my friends/relatives with Garmins) relate notable map update/download speed issues.  Some have switched to other GPS makers because of it.  "Detailed help" from Garmin support on this one typically consists of a knee-jerk blame of the customers' internet/hardware even when folks (using multiple operating systems, ISP's, etc.) have no trouble with large downloads from other sites.

    I continue buying Garmin devices as, IMHO, most are better overall vs the competition (i.e. daily utility vs periodic map download pain).  But Garmin would do well to address their map download/update process. 
