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Garmin Cyclops Europe update fail


Today (and other times recently) I have been notified that an update is available for my SmartDrive 61. When I try to update using my desktop (Windows 10, 64 bit) the update fails and I get an error message. When I check for updates using wifi (instead of connecting to the PC), it seems that the software and maps are up to date. I uninstalled and reinstalled Garmin Express, and went through all the steps suggested, but the problem persists.

I have checked the information on Garmin Express and the update that fails relates to a Garmin Cyclops Europe update file of 179.22 kbs.

I have tried chatting to Garmin online, however I got nowhere with the guy, although I was not aware that the problem relates to Garmin Cyclops Europe.

Anyone know how to resolve this?
