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Cannot update maps, garmin express searching for device while connected...

Here is the problem I have with a Fenix 5X Plus I just bought.

Device is connected, there is a green dot in the top bar that says "Connected" but when clicking on Install for the map update, the program wants me to plug in the device...

I have tried to reinstall the GarminExpress but it says it's already installed,the current version.

I have tried 2 different cables. The watch is charging while this is going on so the cables look OK.

After trying many times, it finally did go into syncing for a few seconds and then exited. Trying again several times, now it is stuck syncing at about 25%.

This is embarrassing. This is not a cheap product. I like the watch, but how good is it if it's not updating


  • I had this also.

    I removed my watch from the home screen and then readded it. After that it worked fine.

  • I reconnected it right before syncing today. For some reason, the watch lost the credit card info I had put in Garmin Pay and I had to set the watch again in the app. By the way, the Garmin Pay server was unavailable yesterday the whole day so I have not been able to put the card back. I assume this is a result of the hacking so I thought I would way another week before trying that again.

    Garmin Pay server still unavailable.

  • I have reconnected the watch several times (I also have a fenix 3 and a 5X and I was checking all 3) and everything seems up to date and working at the moment. The maps seem to be current (they are the same version in the 5X,even though the 5X has "Routable Cycle Map of the US version 2020.10" while the 5X Plus has "TopoActive Americas North 2020.10". Not sure what the difference is? The other 3 maps are the same (Americas, Europe and Pacific)

  • Wow, thank you! This works! What a pain it has been for it not to recognize my login for Garmin Express. And what a disappointment that Garmin can't seem to fix this so we don't have to remove our device each time we want to use Garmin Express.