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False Negative - Sync Error with Garmin Express Windows

Every time I plug my Forerunner 935 into my Windows 10 PC USB Port I get a Sync Error message "There was an error syncing your Forerunner 935".

However, when I bring up the GE window and click on the Forerunner window it shows a successful sync. You can see by the images below.  

(running GE version 6.17, Forerunner version 14.10, Settings checked - Always keep GE running, Auto launch GE)

As a side note,  I always get a successful sync when I manually click on the Forerunner 935 button

How can I get rid of the error messages?

  • I've been always experiencing this with my Oregon 750t sadly. Not that crucial as I use it rather infrequently. Annoying though as it's the only unit I own that does that - all other devices (other GPS receivers and various family watches) sync all the time fine.

    Please do check if your data was indeed synced despite GE telling you otherwise - quick check via confirms that for me it's never the case and last time my unit got synced actually was via Connect App & Android phone (yesterday, straight after my activity).

    As I had yet another occurrence yesterday / today, the above reminded me about this problem  and I just raised it with Garmin Support earlier today.

  • >>Please do check if your data was indeed synced despite GE telling you otherwise
    I verified that my data was in fact sync'd. Hence, the False, Negative

    If I un-check (in options) 

    • .. Always keep Garmin Express running ...
    • .. Auto launch Garmin when device connected ..

    The error message no longer appears and I just sync manually.

    This is not an answer but a work-around.

  • OK, so your issue might be different from mine - sync via GE in my case is always unsuccessful.

    Garmin already acknowledged problem with GE trying to retrieve from my unit something that otherwise is of no use for Connect - most likely waypoint file or similar - and whole process fails as a result. They need to dig into this further - and perhaps they will spot your problem as well?

    You're therefore best advised to contact them directly and ask them to investigate.

  • Yes, this happens sometimes.

    Maybe - one problem for false sync error could be space took by apps on a watch.
    You can check used space - by opening Apps and clicking on this blue icon:

    Apps size

    If used apps' space is near limit, then you can try delete some apps (this is separate limit from all watch's space).

    But I'm not sure if that's the source of the problem. After removing one app, I got 2 greens (in main screen and selected watch screen) few times in a row, but this could be by chance.

    Of course, normally all errors should be clearly stated, so this still should be corrected.

  • Connect IQ says I have 1.8MB free (out of 2MB) .. so I'm pretty good on the app scene.

    Just installed the new Garmin Express(version 6.18) ... the problem might be corrected (so far so good) ... I'll report back in a couple of days to see if 6.18 'really' fixed my issue.