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Map update stalls

I have the latest version of Garmin Express (it updated today) on a Windows 7 SP1 laptop. I have a Nuvi 40 GPS, and want to update the maps. Garmin Express tells me updates are available, and will take 3 hours. As soon as the update starts, it appears to stall -- the download speed falls steadily, while the project time-to-complete climbs. I take this to be a sign that data is not arriving. The percentage complete moves incrementally but always stops at 0.5%. After about 15 minutes the download speed and time-to-complete stop updating, and in another 5 minutes or so it announces that an error has occurred. It makes no difference if I try to store the update on the computer or the Nuvi (I have a 32GB microSD in it). I had my ISP monitor my connection (I was told maybe that is the problem) -- during download it shows I am drawing at 5.4 mb/s, but it never gets beyond 0.5% complete. Tech support at Garmin tells me they can't offer any suggestions. Does anyone else have any ideas? Thanks.
  • Yes there seems to be an issue, hopefully the admins will pick it up.
  • Have you tried the steps in the faq above?
  • Sussamb, my email is at excite. Try my username there.

    Issue with couldabin now resolved, in that maps are now on his device, but unable to determine what is wrong at his end. If anyone else is still struggling and wants individual help please pm me.
  • Hi I am having this exact same problem! I have tried leaving it overnight and it still say 21 hours this morning. I have tried ALL the troubleshooting! Please help!!

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to SUSSAMB

    I have tried the suggestions on the link and it still fails to download. I have found that the furthest I can get is 17% of the download complete. In summary I have tried

    1. Disable antivirus
    2. Reinstall Garmin Express. This includes regular uninstall and reinstall and also with a reboot between
    3. Ran Garmin Express as Admin on computer
    4. tried 3 different cables
    5. Tried installing on device only, computer only and both. 
    6. Different USB ports
    7. I do not have VPN nor proxy 
    8. Tried downloading with no other programs running on the computer.
    9. My downloads are all direct plug in to the router, no wireless. 

    I have cable download speed of 100MB, The download speed from where it is getting the file is at best 8 MB. I have tried to download at different times of day and no success. However, when I tried the download at 6 am eastern it gave me the 17% success. Other times never greater than 8%. 

  • Which device? Which map? I assume when you say you've reinstalled Express it is the latest version?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to SUSSAMB

    To answer your questions so others can see the complete information

    • Device - Garmin numi 42
    • Map - US
    • Garmin Express version - it was the latest version. 

    On a hunch I have installed the Garmin express on an older machine to see if it would work and it did indeed download. This would lead me to believe that my newer computer has a defective LAN card. I never would have thought of that as the root cause. For me the issue is resolved and the root cause is the computer, not the site and an additional step to put on the article would be to try a completely different computer if possible. I would also add the step if you have connected wireless connect with a cord as well. I will try that in the future. I prefer the cord because it never loses it speed. 

    Thank you for responding though. I appreciate it. I hope this additional information helps others. 

  • Glad you resolved it.