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Cyclops- Safety Cameras Europe - Missing UK data

On Friday I updated the safety camera's on my device using Garmin express, Currently got the Europe package purchased which allows me to download the data anytime within the year and should include the UK, Since updating I've noticed that the UK data is missing, I have deleted all the Files in the "POI Folder" and then tried to re-download but have the same issue. When checking "about device and then looking at what camera database's are installed all of Europe is added but not UK.

Does anyone else seem to have this issue ? as its quite poor that I've paid for a subscription and cant even download the files I want which should be part of the package.

The device being used in Nuvi 2599 LMT-D

  • Your best bet to resolve this is to contact Product Support, sounds like an account issue.
  • Just seem strange as I've been able to download this fine for the last 8 Months.

    Could it be that there missing from the actual database files ? or have not been uploaded properly ?
  • No idea which is why you should contact Product Support
  • After talking with Product Support I have now sent them the logs from Garmin Express, took a screen shot to show the POI folder and files.

    - Monday -3PM I was unable to even download the safety cameras, Looked like there was a issue with connecting to the servers.

    - 7PM managed to download the safety cameras and UK data was now showing, there was also one other report of a similar issue.
  • Just to chim in here: I am quite possibly experiencing the very same issue, raised it with Garmin and just got instructions from Support to troubleshoot it.

    I will let you know when I find more - but so far it looks like that's not the isolated incident.
  • So there we are:

    1. Issue is definitely widespread and Garmin was unable to resolve this for me prior to this weekend - which is a shame. Investigations their end are in progress
    2. By the looks of it UK&RoI Cyclops are not pushed to the devices correctly - I have found ones for Russia instead (?)
    3. GE still reports that my device is up to date

    I wonder how may users in the UK with paid subscriptions are blissfully unaware that their devices do not report cameras for quite some time now (31/10 onwards on my case as that's the timestamp of these latest update files).
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    So there we are:

    1. Issue is definitely widespread and Garmin was unable to resolve this for me prior to this weekend - which is a shame. Investigations their end are in progress
    2. By the looks of it UK&RoI Cyclops are not pushed to the devices correctly - I have found ones for Russia instead (?)
    3. GE still reports that my device is up to date

    I wonder how may users in the UK with paid subscriptions are blissfully unaware that their devices do not report cameras for quite some time now (31/10 onwards on my case as that's the timestamp of these latest update files).

    Exactly same issue, i spoke to garmin on wednesday and he confirmed exactly same issue on his device. so hopefully its fixed soon
  • Same issue here (in the UK). This is widespread and has apparently been going on for more than a month. Most people, who have paid subscriptions, won't know and aren't being told. In my case, I look after three Garmin SatNavs in the family. The latest purchase - two days ago - alerted me to the problem. As we should, I updated the new unit on first use and found that it actually wiped out the safety camera data altogether. Garmin confirmed that preloaded data was overwritten and therefore deleted by the failed update problem. My other Garmins retain their data but haven't been updated since early October. Garmin give no date for a fix.

    There is a wider issue here. Garmin seem to be a very unreliable provider, and repeatedly get away with it because it stays mostly hidden from consumers. I have been running Garmins for more than 10 years. Here in the UK, at least, their software and map updates cause serious glitches, on average, every 2-6 months. The last one - in Sep/Oct - was a failure of the traffic system after a traffic system update. No one was told, unless you called Garmin, and it took at least six weeks to fix.

    I like my Garmins but we are being given poor service and support.