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Valuable space wasted on SSD.

Former Member
Former Member
About 6 months ago, a customer suggested a way to avoid this with Garmin Express. Here is the link to his thread:
">Old files in \ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads">Old files in \ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads

It is clear why one would want to keep these files; namely, to avoid a huge re-download of files. So, I wouldn't suggest Express automatically delete these files. But often the space on an SSD is limited; certainly, compared to the terabyte hard disks people have these days. People put the applications and data requiring very fast access on an SSD; fast access to critical data is why they pay a premium for those devices.

So a user doesn't have to research on the internet whether or not they can be deleted (assuming they can find them), it would be useful if Garmin offered a delete option with appropriate warning about potential for large downloads in the future. I suppose even a simple text message after the download alerting the user to the disk usage would work, but that seems too little to your paying customers. It was also suggested that the user be allowed to redirect the download to a different location, (probably off the SSD).
  • If you search I posted almost identical thread some weeks ago. I got reply that the files could be safely deleted. I also have SSD and my space is not unlimited. But I agree that it is regrettable Garmin Express doesn't warn you about the problem nor offers a simple way to delete them. It took me a while to research the problem, find the files and then find out they could be removed. Also I agree that it may make sense to keep a single copy of your map on your drive but I don't see a reason why you would need all the old maps kept in perpetuity. This is what happened to me - I had a whole stack of old maps/firmware (I have a single Garmin device) eating roughly 30% of my storage.
  • PMGPSUser1111 and

    I'm sorry no change has been made in the method Garmin Express stores data. I definitely understand your concern and I know other customers feel the same. I think making a simple way to remove those old files is a good idea and (not trying to sound repetitive) I will also pass the idea along.

    When customers have suggestions, I recommend submitting them to our Garmin Ideas site. Suggestions submitted here get read directly by our designers (instead of being passed along). If they see a high demand for a function, they may implement it in a future update.

    Hopefully this helps get the feature you want put into Garmin Express. For now, if you need to delete these files I have some quick steps for you:
    • Press the Windows key + "R" to open the Run command.
    • Type in %programdata%\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads and press "Enter". Here you will see "Firmware" and "Map" folders.
    • The "Firmware" contains each main software update. Inside the "Map" folder there are more folders labeled after the maps such as "Map_Map.NA.2016.20". Click one time on a folder you won't use again.
    • Hold "Shift" and press "Delete". It will ask if you want to permanently delete the folder and its contents.
    • Confirm this to delete the maps/firmware.

    Hopefully this information helps. Let us know if you have more concerns.

  • Prompted by similar enquiry form elsewhere: I really think it's time Garmin did something about it really: the above response is >4 years old, and - surprisingly - when one purchases & downloads maps via GE, they are downloaded to separate temporary destination under 'c:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\' - and actually promptly deleted once maps are successfully installed on device.

  • It's been 5 years now.  Is Garmin going to to wake up and start listening to the users who pay premium prices for their devices?

  • No.  I expect the market for touring GPS will disappear when roaming rates get reasonable.  The only reason I have a device is for bike trips overseas.  But with data plans becoming affordable I can run Google Maps on my phone and have always up to date maps and far superior routing.

  • Google is fine for point to point routing but my Garmins with BaseCamp are far superior for planning trips.