How remove data from BMW Nav V?

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Former Member
I completed a 5 day motorcycle trip & draged it from My Collection to the Navigator V Internal Memory. It transfered OK; but it appears to have gotten confused with some previous waypoints & routes which overlap a portion of the new route. At least that what it looks like.
So I've deleted the old route in My Collection & I'd like to delete the same (old data) on the device or transfer the edited My Collection folder and overlay the device data.

How do I accomplish deleting or overlaying the data on the device?

When I do Device > Device Info the message is 'failed to retrieve device data'
The copied data does appear on the device; so it's transfering ok.

Win 7x64 BaseCamp 4.3.4 latest version Nav V latest firmware version

  • You can't ... data must be deleted on the device itself.

    Note basecamp was never designed at the start to interact with auto devices. If you've sent data to your Nav V using BC it creates a temp.gpx file containing that data. You must ensure you delete temp.gpx and any other files apart from current.gpx in the GPX folder. If you don't you'll never be able to delete the information contained in those gpx files.
  • Indeed remove all from your device. Look in Where to - Saved and Apps - Trips in the left above corner for the 3strips -> submenu with delete functions.
    You can delete trip history from the settings - Information (last item in menu) and there you can erase your trip history.

    Trips (old name routes) can be manually deleted, easiest is to use the free program JaVaWa Device Manager for this and then remove trips. This is the Mac part, so you don't need to switch the Navigator to Mass Storage mode, it does it automaticaly)
    ( place in .\System\Trips\