BaseCamp 4.0 beta is available

BaseCamp 4.0 is here! As usual, we are releasing a public Beta. We believe this release to be reasonably stable, but it is a Beta, so there are definitely some quirks to be expected.

If you do find any bugs, crashes or have input of any kind, please let us know. You can respond to this forum post, create a new thread, use the error reporting functionality or use the “Send Feedback…” option within BaseCamp. If you find a bug, don’t just think “It’s Beta, it will be fixed”, please report it.

For Garmin Adventures BaseCamp will display surveys, if you have a minute to spare, please fill them out and let us know what you think. They are very short.

You can download the installer at

A few words about your data

When you install, all your data from 3.3 (or earlier) will be copied. You can keep using 3.3 afterwards, 4.0 will not alter your 3.3 data (but 3.3 also cannot see any changes you make with 4.0). You can experiment with 4.0 and then go back to your 3.3 data at any time (using the “Restore from previous version” menu option). This is nothing new; I just thought I’d point it out.

Change list

This is the list of changes; it’s quite a long list. There is a separate thread What’s new in BaseCamp 4.0 that gives some more explanations, and a Garmin Adventures thread that introduces that new feature.

Added Garmin Adventures, including; authoring, publishing, online search, downloading, playback, and transfer to supporting devices.
Added arrival, departure, and layover times for route via-points.
Added a context menu on the map for the hand and selection tools.
Added support for waypoint creation date, which will not be changed when updating the waypoint.
Added a list in the waypoint properties dialog to display which routes a waypoint is used in.
Added ability to collapse folder groups (like 'My Collection' or 'Devices').
Added support for temperature and pressure in track statistics and graphs.
Added support to delete waypoints that are included in a route.
Added more columns to the data view for Waypoints, Garmin Custom Maps, GeoCaches and Photos.
Added support to enter position using alternate grid/datum on the "Recenter Map To" dialog.
Added option to save original track when filtering it.
Added display of the "placed on" date for GeoCaches.
Added intersection search.
Added ability to bulk-edit more fields for waypoints.
Added ability to create waypoint from find results on the map.
Added ability to transfer subscription-based BirdsEye imagery that contain failed downloads.
Added ability to toggle the visibility of all tool bars.
Added display of postal code in address search results.
Added a read-only 'Unlisted Data' list that contains all items that are in no other lists.
Added ability to create a route from a named trail.

Improved display when many photos are at the same spot on the map.
Improved XML processing (so it should now be possible to import and export larger gpx files than previously).
Improved the Measurement tool's display of measurement information.
Improved behavior when importing data into an already selected list or folder.
Improved display of graphs. They will be smoothed now.
Improved behavior when double-clicking on a list. BaseCamp will now zoom to the data contained in that list.
Improved default file name for backup. The default name now contains the current date.
Clarified the find options (Center of view, Center of selected items). Added grayed-out text to make use more clear.
Cleaned up toolbar, hide tools that are used less often by default, always show waypoint, route & track tools.
Cleaned up route options, made it easier to create custom route settings.

Fixed the long find toolbar initialization delay after starting BaseCamp or switching to a new map.
Fixed an issue where a device's SD card would not always be recognized by BaseCamp.
Fixed numerous issues with finding addresses.
Fixed an issue where the toolbar would not display the same way after restarting BaseCamp.
Fixed an issue where the find toolbar would always be displayed after restarting BaseCamp, even though the user chose to hide it.
Fixed area calculation for tracks.
Fixed an issue where you could not rename an item from lower case to upper case (like renaming "washington" to "Washington").
Fixed issue where the Geocache symbol was not consistent with found status when importing or adding a geocache.
Fixed an issue where the preferences dialog would not remember the last sub-selection.
Fixed an issue with remembering the splitter location for map/data view between application runs.
Fixed an issue with remembering the data filters when switching between app modes.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 12 years ago
    Issues with Find

    I found a problem with "Find". I was trying to enter "Canyon Lake" into the "near" field, and it insists on putting a comma after "Canyon". So I had to enter "CanyonLake", then go back and insert a space before it would recognize it as "Canyon Lake". 3.3.3 would see "Canyon Lake" when I typed "Canyon". Could be related to the next item...

    Also, the list of suggested matches is only 8 long. So if I type "Austin" I get several choices, but it doesn't get to Austin,TX. I had to keep typing all the way to "Austin,T" before it suggested "Austin, TX, USA".
  • It looks like the Garmin staff has been busy with making improvements. Thank you. I've not yet had the opportunity to give it a spin yet, however my initial observations are as follows:

    1. The shopping cart clutter is still present on the map even when that feature is set to not show.

    2. The "FIND" toolbar appears to be the only one that is not moveable. It would be nice to be able to relocate it elsewhere. so that more of the map is visable.

    1. I'll take a look at that again. I know this bug has been around for a while. Hopefully it's something we can reasonably fix, and not some underlying change in the map data.

    2. That might be nice, but will definitely not be in 4.0
  • Any chance of getting a "Lock Toolbars" function?

    Could you elaborate what you mean?

    In 4.0 the toolbars should already stay where they are between restarts. Or do you mean something else?
  • I like the unlisted data list but you can't delete data in it :(

    Invariably if it's in that list it's probably not wanted. At the moment to delete it you need to move it to a list and then delete it from there, could we please be able to delete it from within the unlisted data list?

    It also doesn't appear to refresh. Having moved stuff to a list and deleted it, it remained in the unlisted list. Thinking I'd made an error somehow I tried to move it again, only for BC to crash with an error.

    Only way to force it to refresh appears to be to close and then reopen Basecamp.

    The Unlisted Data feature wasn't quite done in time for the Beta. We'll work on that. In hindsight, we should have probably disabled it for now.
  • Thanks for new release. I see many issue addressed, but still no indexed address search. It's a bit disappointing.

    You mean like the Find by Name feature in MapSource? We have improved quite a few things with address searches.

    What task are you trying to accomplish?
  • I have two custom maps located on the SD card on my 62s, they show-up in BC 3.3.3 but not in 4.0..0.4

    I'll investigate. Thanks for reporting.
  • Nice update, Falagar. One thing I'm still missing is a way to switch from zoom to pan while creating a route. Pressing down on the mouse wheel is a handy way to pan included in other major applications like AutoCad. Thought this was on your list.

    If you knew how many things are on that list...

    I still would love to make that happen, I just can't promise it will be done in time for 4.0.
  • I found a problem with "Find". I was trying to enter "Canyon Lake" into the "near" field, and it insists on putting a comma after "Canyon". So I had to enter "CanyonLake", then go back and insert a space before it would recognize it as "Canyon Lake". 3.3.3 would see "Canyon Lake" when I typed "Canyon". Could be related to the next item...

    Also, the list of suggested matches is only 8 long. So if I type "Austin" I get several choices, but it doesn't get to Austin,TX. I had to keep typing all the way to "Austin,T" before it suggested "Austin, TX, USA".

    Thanks for reporting!
  • I keep a pretty clean database but 4 waypoints appeared in the new Unlisted Data folder.

    Using Data View I was able to delete 2 truly unlisted waypoints. The other 2 waypoints were used in routes contained in a valid List. They could not be deleted via Data View.

    Recalculating the 4 routes that contained the valid waypoints removed them from the Unlisted Data folder.

    The Unlisted Data feature isn't quite done, we'll work on that.
  • Under Options>Activity Profiles for Bicycle, you can adjust the average speeds, but it has no effect on the calculated time to ride a route.

    Similarly, if you customize the route options for a specific route, adjusting the average speed has no effect on the calculated time if the Usage Mode is set to Bicycle.


    Yeah, that still hasn't been fixed. I am afraid this won't happen for 4.0