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make a route in basecamp

I want to make routes in the wild nature - without using roads and tracks. But Basecamp forces me to add a premade start waypoint and a premade end waypoint - and then Basecamp calculate a route between the two waypoints using roads and tracks. But this doesn't work when I want to walk in the wilderness. I have previously used basecamp to make the routes I want - but the new versions doesn't allow it. 

However, it seems like I can this type of routes by use of my Garmin GPS 67i. But I rather want to make routes on my PC.

Any suggestions? 

  • You need to select Direct profile in BaseCamp. All versions allow this.

  • Thanks for answer. 

    I can't fint where I change to "Direct profile" in Basecamp 

  • Edit, Options, Activity Profile 

  • Hi again - I have unmarked all obtions in activity profile. But still the routing take use of all roads nearby. This does not work! I tried the same in Mapsource - and then I can make the route after my choice. It seems like Basecamp is "hooked" and it is not possible to change activity profile. 

  • Yes it is, I do it all the time. I don't understand some of your comment though. You don't need to unmark options in any profile, you just need to select direct activity when creating a route if that's what you want. Note routes previously created using a profile other than Direct will still retain their original profile, you need to change the profile associated with that route in route properties for those routes if you want them to use the Direct activity profile.

  • There is no option to choose "direct route". However - if I choose "minimize Ascent" (but not "standard") - I'm able to make routes where I want - and not take use of tracks and roads nearby. (Sorry that the picture is blury)

  • At the top of your picture you need use the drop down menu to change Hiking to Direct.  If you do not see Direct, BaseCamp did not install properly.

    On the main menu under View>Toolbars there is an option for the Activity Profile toolbar.  If this is not checked, check it.  This will place a dropdown tool to change Activity Profiles.  In shows icons for activities (e.g. a Car or Walking Figure)  instead of names.  When you activate the dropdown menu a list of names along with their associated icons will appear.

  • Another suggestion is to plot your new routes using a web app like where you can seamlessly switch between many different topo and OSM mapping layers and several satellite imaging layers,Strava heat map etc. IMHO it’s a better plotting tool than BaseCamp. You can export your final plotted route to your computer as a GPX file and then import it into BaseCamp as a track. If you want a route with navigation information then BaseCamp can convert the track to a route using the Direct profile as others have mentioned.

  • Just press the down arrow alongside walking and you'll see the list of profiles. As you seem to be a new user of BaseCamp please look at this tutorial which will expand your knowledge. While it's aimed at vehicle devices it should help you. Feel free to post here again if you have queries that it doesn't answer.