Auto-naming of waypoints

When I create waypoints the name is automatically allocated. If the point on the map does not have a name, it uses the next available number in the numerical sequence. However. if the map has a name for the point, such as "Road" or "High Street" it uses that instead. This is a pain when creating a route using all the waypoints due to the sort order.

Is there a way to set the software to always use the next available number, please?

  • Not that I know of.  My process, when using the waypoint tool, is to create the waypoint and then immediately rename it by adding a numerical prefix.  If I have to go back and add a waypoint I will then prefix it with the number immediately proceeding it but add a letter to the prefix.  Obviously this keeps them in sequential order allowing you to select them all and then tell Basecamp to create a route from the selected points.  Here is an example of what I might end up with for waypoints:

    01_102 N Main St

    02_1017 W Elm St

    02a_50 Heritage Ave

    03_ 17 Taylor St




    10_1315 Concord Rd




  • Is there a way to set the software to always use the next available number, please?


    I recommend creating Routes in an empty list.  If the Waypoints are being created sequentially, create the first two Waypoints and use them to create the Route. All other Waypoints are added to the Route as they are created by draging and droping them to the Route in the lower left pane.

    If the Waypoint needs to go before the last Waypoint, drag and hover over the Route to open the Route Properties window.  A black line will appear at the bottom and indicates where the insertion will occur.  Draging the mouse will scroll the line up and down.  Do not release the mouse button until ready to insert.

    If the Waypoints are already created, right click on the start point and select "show on map".  Open the Find Options with ctrl-alt-f and choose User Data.  This will list objects in the curent list in order of distance from the center of map (which will be your start point).  Each point will be numbered and numbered ballons will appear on the map.  Once you have the list, zooming and panning the map will not change the order.  When an object is selected in the Seach List a larger ballon will opne in the map.  With the first point, use Create Route From Result.  For the rest of the Waypoints, use the Add to Route option.  Only one Waypoint can be added at a time.  Use the map to verify the correct waypoint is chosen.

    If the route is mostly linear, the optimize command in the Route Properties window may get the order mostly correct. The first point will need to be start point.  The optimize options is more for ordering stops on an errand run, but might be useful for in this case.  It would not be useful for exercise routes.