Load trail map to gpsmap 67 in one file

I'm trying to trace trails for a property I work on. Their trail system has a lot of trails. Some of them loop and some end and there are many connections within it. It's a whole network. I can manipulate it with ArcMap to make it one feature or a few or whatever I want, but when I load it to Basecamp as a kml file, it explodes the file into many dozens of little pieces of trail. If I want to display it on the device, I have to individually instruct each of dozens of bits to show on the map. Not only that, but in basecamp before I load it to the device, I have to individually rename them so I know which ones to turn on, and also change the colors. This is a pain. It takes hours. I tried to join them in basecamp, which does make it into one file, but it also draws dozens of new lines to connect all the ends, which do not actually exist in the trail network. I tried taking that one file back in to ArcMap to cut out all the nonexistent connectors (which is also quite laborious), but when I bring that edited file back, it's back to many dozens of bits again. Is there any way to do this in a reasonable way? I also want to join multiple tracks of where I walked off trail into a single file and show those as well. This really should not be difficult. 

  • If I understand you correctly your last comment can be achieved simply by using the Join tracks option?

    For your other need try www.javawa.nl/imgfromgpx_en.html

  • Joining tracks will just create a mess. It would join the separate places he went off trail with useless straight lines.

    He already tried that. 

  • This really should not be difficult. 

    BaseCamp wasn’t ever designed for this purpose.

    While BaseCamp uses maps, it doesn’t let you create them. 

    What you need is really an overlay map with all the tracks. The problem is that BaseCamp can’t use them. Since many devices can use them, it’s unfortunate BaseCamp doesn’t. 

    JaVaWa has a program to make overlay maps.


    I don’t know of a way of merging img files.

    Another approach would be to add the trails to Openstreetmap and then create a custom img map.

    Err, you are talking about loading them to a device (not BaseCamp). Use an overlay map.


    Probably, the easiest thing to do is put all the trail tracks into a KML file and import that as a single object. You can use Google Earth to create the KML file.

  • Well he describes that problem in his first example, it's not clear to me what he's trying to do in his second. If he's simply walked off trail then it's easy enough joining it all up, I often do that and it isn't an issue. 

  • No, he isn't clear about the tracks where he went off trail. The "in one file" and the first question suggests they are separate tracks he wants in one file.

  • Creating a network of trails into a single track is very difficult.  A track can be defined as a continuous sequence of positions.  Imagine that making a track is the same as tracing the trails on a physical map with a pointer.  To create a network of trails into a single track would require tracing the network without the pointer ever leaving the physical map.

    To do so from several tracks can require splitting, duplicating, reversing and deleting parts of individual tracks in order to properly join them in the right order.  Your best bet would be JaVaWa tool.  Alternatively, if you can export from ArcMap as a jpg file, you may be able to make a custom map.  The jpg would have to be geo referenced.  Multiple img files are visible at the same time on a device; BUT NOT in BaseCamp.  A Custom Map can overlay in BaseCamp.

    Unfortunately, you will have to find help elsewhere for making garmin Custom Maps as I have no experience doing this.

  • JaVaWa has a program that will add tracks to a custom overlay map. It’s not hard to use.


  • I could be wrong, but I believe the javawa tool creates a map similar to a Garmin product or OSM map.  That is to say it is a map choice in Map Products.

    When I refer to a Custom Map, I am talking in terms of a Garmin object similar to a track/route/waypoint.  It will be visible along with whatever Map Product is chosen provided that is has been place in the selected list/folder.

  • Yes, the Javawa tool creates a img file.

    Note that the OP is talking about having this on his device (not BaseCamp).

    For displaying all these tracks on a device, the img file is the way to go.



    What you are talking about appears to be fairly simple.

    BaseCamp will display all the items in a folder. One could put all the tracks into a folder and then move that into another folder (and do your work in the parent folder).

    BaseCamp will display all the items in the folder if the folder is selected. (You have to avoid selecting items in the folder if you want the other items to be displayed too.)

    If so many items in a folder is a bother, one could export the folder with all the tracks as a single file (GPX will do) and import that file into the folder you are doing work in.

    (The "custom map" thing appears to be a "import a file (which can contain a bunch of stuff") thing.)