CNNA2024.2 not finding any address

Sorry.  I posted this in the Express category by mistake.

I recently downloaded 2024.2 but had not tried to use it until today.  What is happening is that it fails to find any address searched.

I can select 2024.1 or 2023.2 and all works well.  I tried 2024.2 from both the PC and the device (Montana 600) with no luck. It just spins

for some time and then shows "No Results Found".  I've completely removed 2024.2 and reinstalled with no help.

Anyone else run into something like this?  Any ideas?

  • As I said though, it's all working for me as it usually did and I have the 2024.20 map. If a reinstall of BaseCamp didn't work then I can't think of anything else you could try.

  • I tried another experiment where I installed GE, BC, maps, etc. on a computer that never had any Garmin products before. This install shows the same different search behavior between 2024.1 and 2024.2.

    I know that Garmin support would be worthless in this situation so I'll just ignore this issue and maybe another map update may put it back.

  • My 2024.2 map behaves the same way.

    I found that if you click on a blank search, then click on "Advanced" by the Address results you can type the address in the top search box and it will fill in the fields under Addresses using commas to separate street from city and city from state.

    BaseCamp seems to remember the last Advanced address search, but you can delete the address in the top search field and it will clear all the fields under Addresses.

  • Thanks for that. So I'm not insane. I wonder why they would change something that needed one click to something needing three? I find it interesting that a database change could have an effect on the BC user interface. 

  • I'm not sure it has, there have always been numerous ways to do an address search, ctrl + alt + a for example brings up the detailed address box

  • That's my issue. I generally don't need or want to fill out a detailed address box every time I search for an address. Previous to 2024..2 I could launch BC, go to the search box in the upper right and just type in or paste in an address string from perhaps a web site. Hit enter and there comes a list of addresses to pick from with the first item in the list generally the one I want. Now that BC won't parse the string it wants me to use the advanced/detailed box and parse the string for it.

    It just worked better, for me, with 2024.10

  • I suspect there is an issue with the database in 2024.2.  When a full address is entered, the screen shifts to the correct city but then hangs while searching for the local address.

    The address will still parse from the upper right search box in the Advanced Address search.  Typing ctrl-alt-a or clicking on a blank search then Advanced before entering or pasting an address in the upper search box isn't that great a hardship.  I know I could use a little more exercise.

    It will probably be fixed in the next map update - as long as someone reports the issue.