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BaseCamp is the only software that sees eTrex se, but won't access/update it

Good afternoon,

Yesterday, I received a new Garmin eTrex SE. I was working with it for about 4-6 hours when a software update came to the device. Unfortunately, now the device is stuck on the Garmin logo screen. Bluetooth and USB functions no longer work, and the only method of connecting to the device seems to be BaseCamp. During an attempt to force mount the GPS, I see Windows File Explorer flash, but a USB data signal does not come up on the device, nor does File Explorer mount the drive. Similarly, I can not factory reset via the the internal menu, since I can only boot to the Garmin logo.

Garmin Express no longer sees the device
Garmin Explore no longer sees the device
Garmin Connect no longer sees the device
Garmin BaseCamp DOES see the device, but I do not have a backup to restore to.

Is there, perhaps, a "factory default settings" backup file that I can try to restore via BaseCamp?

May I ask for any other recommendations that might help to repair this?

Thank you for the ideas,


  • UPDATE: As suggested in the support pages, I've tried working with older versions of the software, as well as uninstalling/reinstalling all software and drivers... Now when connecting the GPS to the computer, BaseCamp returns the message:

    ""The following can't be transferred:
    1. Waypoints
    2. Routes..."

    I see in other forums that this might be corruption of the device, but I'm also seeing that other people are having issues with the new updates as well? I def saw the "update complete" check, so I'm not sure what went wrong.

    At this point, not sure whether to fill out a return form, or to wait to see if there's a fix in the near future? Super bummed either way.

  • UPDATE: I have found the firmware at but am unable to upload it via BaseCamp.

    Looks like I need to try to get ahold of the kunix's Cure3/GarminCure3/QuickCure3 tool to add/replace the GUPDATE.GSP file in the Internal Storage, but links to the software seem to be dead. Anyone have any idea where it can be obtained? 

    Many thanks for any help that can be provided!


  • Explore is used to update your device, as this is a device and not a BaseCamp issue I'm closing comments. Please contact Product Support for help.