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Does Basecamp really show tracks in GPSMAP 66i that are not really there?

My new 4.7.5 version of Basecamp shows tracks in device Internal Storage that are not really there.  In my case the device is a GPSMAP 66i, but I suspect the problem would exist with any similar device.  The problem may be something at my end.  Otherwise, here's how to duplicate the problem:

  1. Record a track in the device.
  2. Connect the device to Basecamp (Windows) via USB.
  3. Delete the track using either the delete key or right-click > delete.  (The track will disappear from the tracks in Internal Storage list as you would expect.)
  4. Close Basecamp and safely disconnect the device.
  5. Power on the device and check the list of recorded tracks. (The track you deleted will not be there as you would expect.)
  6. Open Basecamp and reconnect the device.
  7. Select Internal Storage. (The track that was deleted will show up there as if it were never deleted.)
  8. Close Basecamp and safely disconnect the device again.
  9. Power the device on and go to the app that shows saved tracks. (The track will not be there.)

You can repeat steps 6 through 9 as many times as you want.  The track will never be accessible in the device, and Basecamp will always show it as being in Internal Storage.

I don't recall this being the case in previous versions of Basecamp, but I don't have an easy way to check that.

I'm confused that I don't see other posts on this subject since displaying tracks that aren't really available in the device seems like a dangerous problem if the user relies on Basecamp and doesn't check to see if a vital track is available in the device before he goes into the back country.

  • If BaseCamp is showing tracks then there is a .gpx file in your device containing them so the issue is a device rather than BaseCamp issue. Have a look in the GPX folder on your device using Windows Explorer.  Remove all .gpx files. Then view your device in BaseCamp.  Is it still showing any tracks?

  • Thanks, Sussamb.  I would not be surprised if you are right that the tracks are in the 66i.  In my original post, I tried to use "accessible" in the device to avoid the issue you raised.  I disagree with your logic though.  I don't think knowing whether the tracks are buried somewhere in the 66i or not answers the question I raised about where the problem lies. Unless I've made a mistake, the tracks are accessible in the "Saved Tracks" applet before Basecamp first deletes them and not accessible afterward even though Basecamp will show them in the device the next time the device is connected. To see the problem with your reasoning, consider a possibility where deleting a track in device Internal Storage with Basecamp, causes Basecamp to remove it from the Basecamp display of tracks in Internal Storage list and simply changes a marking in the file stored in the device (the way Windows deletes files without actually overwriting them), and that the deleted designation makes the track no longer accessible in Stored Tracks.  It that invent isn't it possible that the next time the device is connects, a bug in Basecamp causes Basecamp to show the track it marked deleted as still being accessible in the device?

  • BaseCamp will show the saved tracks and the tracks in the track log.

    Off the top of my head, I'm not sure that a track that is saved on the device is removed from the track log.  The deleted track would not show up in the track manager under its saved name, but could still exist in the Current Track - which BaseCamp would see the next time the device is connected to the computer.

    Also, I don't recall if the track log (Current Track) or portions of the track log are allowed to be deleted by BaseCamp.

  • Probably the activities are stored in a GPX (folder Garmin\GPX) and a FIT file (folder Garmin\Activities). BaseCamp only erases the track in the GPX file.

    On the device the GPX tracks can be found under "Track Manager"; the FIT tracks under "Activity History"

  • Thanks, JaVaWa.  I marked that as the answer to my question.  However on the 66i, I believe the they're found under "Recorded Activities," as opposed to "Track Manager."  I didn't see anything on the 66i called "Track Manager" or "Activity History."

    I would call this issue a design flaw.  If Basecamp is going to show the tracks as erased when it erases them from one file, I don't think it should show them as present when the device is reconnected.  

  • Those terms are used on my Oregon 700, apparently they are a bit different on the GPSMAP 66. Both items should be there though, unless there are no tracks (in GPX format) on the device.

    FIT support in BaseCamp has always been half baked. It can read FIT files from device, but you can't open FIT files using Menu > Open. It cannot delete FIT files, even if it appears so by removing the item from the list in BaseCamp...

  • Ah, great, hadn't realised you had FIT files on your device, glad all sorted