"Run as Administrator?!"

Somebody has to say it:  For security reasons Microsoft strongly advises users not to operate routinely from an Administrator account, nor to "Run as Administrator," unless actually installing new software/drivers or performing other system maintenance that manifestly requires elevated privileges.  Nevertheless, Garmin has articulated a policy that all of its software must be run with Administrator privileges!  My own observations have always been that BaseCamp runs just fine from a Standard User account (To install new maps, of course, Garmin Express must run as Administrator), but when I recently asked Garmin Tech Support for an unlock code to make my new version of CNNANT accessible there (it's already unlocked for the Administrator account in which it was installed, of course), I was politely told the following:

"Have the customer run BaseCamp as an administrator to see if that fixes it. If so, then he is not using the application as designed. ALL Garmin software, ALL Applications, are designed to be used and run in an Administrator environment. They cannot use a limited account, or the Admin account has some permission issue that is preventing the application from reading the file that Garmin Express installs."

Up until a few years years ago, there were "tricks" to unlock these maps in a Standard User account.  For the last couple of years, however, the only solution seems to have been to get an unlock code from Tech Support, which this year they refused to provide.  If there is any good reason for this policy, it was not explained to me.  My naive impression is that Garmin is just too lazy to make Garmin Express unlock the new map for all users on the machine in question.

I'd be grateful for any explanation of Garmin's security-negligent policy or for any comments from other users who have been frustrated by this problem.  Regards to All -- 6430617

  • Well, I guess I wrote the above a bit too quickly (though I'd still be very interested in others' input on the issue).  Just yesterday evening, two and one half days after being told that I could not have one by (and complaining back to) Garmin Tech Support, I received a *.gma file (unlock code) from Support that completely solved my problem.  Once again I have no need to "Run as Administrator" and can remove the old (previously unlocked) map version from my computer! -- 6430617

  • For the reasons you cite above I always do my everyday computing from a Standard Account.  For YEARS I have had the frustration of updating maps in my Nuvi and on my Win Laptop, finding that the Laptop map will not unlock in Basecamp.  I, too, found a workaround by copying the .gma file from my Nuvi to the Laptop.  Problem solved......until recently.

    Having read about the "Administrator Rights" issue some time back, today I updated the Nuvi and my Laptop from my Admininstrator Account rather than my Standard Account.  No problems with the update.....BUT.....when I attempt to open Basecamp in the Standard Account the map is locked.  When I open Basecamp from the Standard Account, but using "Run As Administrator", the map is unlocked.  Go figure.  Repeating the process of opening in the Standard Account, first "Run As Administrator" then closing and opening without Administrator Rights...map locked. 

    Pretty lame!  In 40 years of computing I have never used a program that is designed for "general use" that REQUIRES you to run it under Admin Rights. I suppose that this issue does not affect most users, as most users don't realize that it is not wise to do everyday computer work in an account with Admin Rights.

    But there's still a workaround: First, ensure in File Explorer that hidden files and system files are displayed.  Attach Nuvi to Laptop via USB.  Open Basecamp in a Standard Account (not "Run As Administrator").  On the Basecamp Ribbon: Maps -> Manage Map Products -> Unlock Regions -> Import.  Browse to the <Nuvi Unit Drive Letter>/Garmin/.  Opposite the File Name Box select "Unlock Code Files (*.gma) from the dropdown and find the file named "gmapprom.gma".  (Its file date should match that of the date you updated your maps.)  Click "Open".  Now the map will show unlocked even if Basecamp is opened with Standard User Rights.  Works for me, anyway, but, of course it presumes that you have legitimate maps installed on an external device.

  • >>But there's still a workaround...  Attach Nuvi to Laptop via USB...  Browse to the <Nuvi Unit Drive Letter>/Garmin/.  Opposite the File Name Box select "Unlock Code Files (*.gma) from the dropdown and find the file named "gmapprom.gma"...<<

    Dear 4831670 -- Outstanding!  I never knew this was possible (and of course Tech Support didn't mention it).  I'll try it next time I have to update my Nuvi maps.

    Also great to get confirmation that I'm not the only security-conscious user in the Garmin community.  Best Regards -- 6430617

  • I should have mentioned that, for the update I did on June 16, 2021, I selected the option (in the update sequence) to update the maps to the device AND the computer simultaneously.  I'm not sure if that makes a difference, or even why it would.  But in previous attempts I have experimented with updating first to the device and then to the computer afterwards, and still had problems unlocking the map in Basecamp.

    I DO think that, going forward, I'll try to remember to do the actual update from my Admin Account and have it update both the device and the computer at the same time and see if it goes more smoothly.  If the map still won't show as unlocked when running Basecamp from the Standard Account, hopefully the workaround I mentioned above will fix the problem.  

  • Dear-- I just tried your work-around, but I could not find the .gma file in the NUVI internal storage.  I did check show hidden files and don't hide system files, but that did not help.  (At first I told GarminExpress to update both the device and the computer, but for some reason the computer did not update, so I had to go back and do that step separately.  Otherwise all was as you instructed.)  Have you tried this work-around again?  Any refinements?  Best Regards -- 6430617

  • I updated the Nuvi66 in April 2022 to Map Version 2023.10 from an Administrator Account on my PC.  In a separate step I then updated the map on my PC from the same Administrator Account.  Then, from the Administrator Account, Basecamp showed the new map as "unlocked".  When I switched to a Standard Account on the same PC, Basecamp showed the map as "locked".  Same old same old problem.

    I then used basically the same procedure I described previously except that this time the .gma file was located on the memory card rather than on the Nuvi itself.  In my case the path to the .gma file was  F:\Garmin\gmapprom.gma where F:\ is the drive letter of the memory card in the Nuvi. The date on the file was identical to the date I updated the map.  I should also note that this folder also contains the file gmapprom.img which, judging by the file size (3GB) must be the map itself.  i suspect that this map update got saved on the memory card rather than in the Nuvi's memory due to the size of the file.  So if you can't find the .gma file in your Nuvi's memory, look in the memory card at the path I cited above.  (Your memory card may show as a drive letter other than F:\ in File Explorer.)  Let me know how it goes.

  • No joy!  I'd upload an image of the file structure if I could figure how.  Nuvi 2598LMTHD, Windows 10 (21H1).  File explorer does not show Nuvi or memory card as drive letters but as "NUVI 2598\Internal Storage" or "...\Memory Card".  The former is nearly full (7.00 GB) whereas the latter is nearly empty (486 MB).  Further, I can't fine any file or folder large enough to be the map file anywhere, even though I set up Explorer as recommended.  Am I doing something really stupid?

  • Is the .system folder showing?  Note you won't see drive letters, by default your nuvi is a MTP device, not mass storage, so like all mtp devices drive letters aren't allocated.

    To see the .system switch your nuvi to mass storage mode.

  • With regard to SUSSAMB's post below......yes, I apologize.  I have had my Nuvi so long that I had forgotten about switching to mass storage mode.   Keep in mind that you and I have different models of the Nuvi, but here's what works for me:

    With the Nuvi disconnected from your PC, power it on

    From the main screen tap "Volume"

    From the "Master Volume" screen tap/hold the upper right corner of the screen for a few seconds; a "Diagnostics Page" will appear

    From the resulting "Diagnostics Page" tap "Configuration and Settings"

    From the "Configuration and Settings" Screen tap "MTP Settings"

    From the "MTP Settings" Screen select the "Mass Storage" Radio Button (as SUSSAMB pointed out, the default value is set to "MTP Auto Detect"

    Tap Save

    Back out through the various screens to return to the Main Screen..  (Another wonderful "undocumented featue"......)

    Now connect your Nuvi to your PC via the USB Cable.  The Nuvi and the Memory Card should now appear in the Left Pane of Win File Explorer as mounted drives having letters such as F:\ and you should be able to browse for folders/files with File Explorer as you would with any other mounted drive.  Try to find the .gma file in the ".system" folder.  If it does, launch Basecamp and follow the procedure I gave previously to unlock the map. 

    My understanding is that Garmin will install the maps on the Internal Storage of the Nuvi as long as sufficient space exists.  When the size of the map (which increases with every update) exceeds the capacity of the Internal Storage, the maps will automatically be installed on the Memory Card, if one exists.  If none exists, you're in trouble until you purchase one. 

    I think that the fact that your Internal Storage is so nearly full indicates that the maps are located in that Internal Storage at this time.  I'm guessing that your Nuvi is newer than mine and has more Internal Storage than I have; my maps are installed on the Memory Card as the map size now exceeds the Internal Storage's capacity.

    Hope this helps

  • OK, that's progress.  Now I can see the .gma file together with its 3.81 GB .img file pair of the same date.  Unfortunately these are from the previous update last year.  This in spite of the fact that both the Nuvi and Basecamp list the latest map as 2023.10 (still locked in the latter case).  What now?