Base Camp .jnx import


I can't seem to find a straight answer googling. I have some .jnx files that I have downloaded from Birdseye. I have about 3Gb worth of images. How do I import these .jnx files into a new install of basecamp? I know where the directory is to get the .jnx files. Thought it would be the same to have previous ones. When I put the .jnx in the jnx folder, they do not show up in basecamp. What am I doing wrong or is this not possible? I hate redownloading images that I have downloaded already.


  • Do you still have a valid BirdsEye subscription? Where are the images currently stored? If on your device and with no valid subscription I don't believe you can access them through BaseCamp. 

  • BirdsEye JNX files are locked to the device. Once they have been downloaded to the device and are visible on it, they should also be visible in BaseCamp with the device plugged in or if you have sent the BirdsEye JNX to a BaseCamp folder. If they were visible in the previous installed version of BaseCamp, then they should be visible in the reinstalled version, but you may need to do a restore from a BaseCamp backup to bring them back

    If you have JNX files loaded on the mSD card in the /Garmin/BirdsEye folder, you should be able to Send each BirdsEye file to a folder in BaseCamp and view it.  If you then put a different mSD card into your device, you should be able Send the file from BaseCamp back to the card if the JNX file was previously registered to that device. If it won’t send it, you will get an error message to the effect that you need a valid BirdsEye subscription.

  • Well once the OP confirms what I asked we can give accurate advice. I don't think BaseCamp will be able to read files from either the device or card unless there is a valid description. Now if he's stored the files on his computer while he had a valid subscription they can be used.  Up to the OP to provide more info.

  • Yes more information from the OP would be helpful.

    Once the BirdsEye subscription has expired, the JNX files downloaded or installed under that subscription still work in the same device they were validated for and in BC.  My BirdsEye satellite subscription has just expired, so I just tried a card previously validated for use in my old 62s some years ago and I can see the JNX maps directly read from the card and can also send them to a BC folder but couldn't view it in BC. If I put a newly created JNX on the same card or USB stick I can't see it in BC.

    So I think you definitely need a current subscription to read new JNX files from a device or card and to send these to BC. You also need a current subscription to install previously validated JNX files onto a new device. If the JNX cache in BC is corrupted/unavailable or it is a clean install, then I think you are right that the device/BC system will treat them as invalid and a new BirdsEye subscription will be needed to use them.

  • I created birds eye images that need moved to another drive, i know this post is old and its a long shot, but i have a folder with all the jnx files that were downloaded through an alpha 300, the folder got to big so i moved it to another drive, how can i get them back on basecamp?

  • One way would be to use JNX2IMG and convert them to IMG files, then put the IMG files in the /Garmin folder of an mSD card. You may need to use JaVaWa’s IMGname tool to toggle the visibility in BC.