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Garmin BaseCamp Installation Errors Continue

Yesterday a Garmin customer service rep advised me to install Garmin Basecamp to communicate between my GPS and Windows 10 PC.  I repeatedly see the following installation error:

0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.

All of the answers I have read at the Garmin support website indicate that this is a problem with a user's computer, not a Garmin software installation problem.  It is difficult to believe that there are so many defective Windows machines out in the wild.

Has anyone actually fixed this error?  Has Garmin figured out why it happens?  I have no trouble installing other software - only Garmin BaseCamp.  Until this is fixed, I can't communicate between my PC and any Garmin device.  The error is stopping me from replacing my GPSMAP 60CS with a new unit.

Seems like Garmin has some work to do.

Looking for answers!!!


  • While this could be a Garmin issue, that error code is one frequently seen in Windows 10 computers when trying to install software.

    I suggest that you search on the that error number and text. I just did that and found many recommended solutions. One may work for you.

  • Sadly, this is really a non-answer to the question I asked.  What the answer says is:  Go look somewhere else for help.

    And to repeat myself from the original post:  I do not have problems installing software on this machine.  Only Basecamp.

    But just to be certain I am clear about the problem, yes I have searched (for hours) on line for a solution to this Garmin error.  I have searched the Garmin forum (many others have experienced the same issue) and I have searched Microsoft's forums and tried all the suggestions I found there.

    I do hope someone else has a more useful answer.

  • Only a very few get this error so it points to an issue with your PC, so while you think the suggestion given by gwilki is a non-answer it's probably the best you will get.

  • Did you check available details on the forum? Did you see - for example - this thread?

    Did you check what's in your installation logs and where failure occurs? Perhaps there's some clue there?

    Also, is this genuinely your PC or work/corporate machine with possible restrictions related to USB devices?

    In all my years of my Garmin devices' ownership and across couple of (my own) PCs either I actually had never encountered any single issue with BaseCamp.

  • I am sorry that you consider my post a non-answer. You asked if anyone had seen this error and I replied directly to that stating that it was a reasonably common windows error. I suggested that you search on the error and follow some of the recommended solutions.

    You did not indicate in your original post that you had already done that. To me, you seemed to be putting this on Garmin and looking for a solution with them only. I understand that you only have this problem with Basecamp, but in the wild and wonderful world of Windows, that does not necessarily mean that the solution rests with Garmin.

    You said that you find it hard to believe that there are so many "defective" windows machines out there. I don't know that I would label your problem a "defect", but as your own research has shown, there are, in fact, many, many windows users out there with this problem.

    I cannot speak for anyone else here, but I did not know from your original post, nor from your second one, what steps you have taken to solve your problem. Have you, for example, taken all the steps recommended in this post:

    This type of error can drive people nuts! I sympathize, truly. However, as sussamb has said, many people have installed Basecamp with no problem at all - me for one. It stands to reason, then, that the issue is likely not completely related to Basecamp. Unfortunately, if you want to use Basecamp, you will have to keep looking for a solution to your problem.

    I regret that I cannot be of help.

  • Got the same error myself. Tried to upgrade to the latest BC version using windows 10. Would not install. Uninstalled the oldest version and tried to do a new clean install. Would not install get the same error. Been using Garmin software for years after contacting support they say the can not help. Not their problem. Does anybody know how to do a clean install of BC? Now I can't use any of my Garmin products.

  • Have you uninstalled, disabled any anti-spyware/virus software, do a new install using admin priviledges?

  • Have you already tried the proposed solutions in the links provided previously in this thread?

    I have had this windows error, but not when I installed BC. I was able to resolve the problem, and it was a maddening experience. I solved it by following the proposed solutions set out in various articles online until I finally found the one that addressed the problem for me.

    I realize that this reply does not directly reply to your question asking if anyone knows how to do a clean install of BC? In my case, I simply ran the executable file. I am still running version 4.6.2, though. If you still have that installation file, you may want to give it a try.

  • I solved my problem!  No more frustrating hours spent trying to fix a problem that only exists with a Garmin installation.

    I returned the GPS to the store where I bought it.


  • Good luck with whatever you find to do what you wanted.