How to combine tracks and routes into one big route/track

I'm trying to use basecamp for the first time to make a LEJOG walking route. I combined several GPX files such as the west highland way and Pennine Way etc, and now I have some pink lines and grey lines and all together they make a nice long continuous line that goes where I want it to go. (I realise this probably sounds like baby talk - sorry!) Anyway, I've tried joining the tracks, and it just makes a god almighty mess. I can't attach the GPX file or upload a screenshot (just get error messages when I try) but without looking at it, can anyone suggest what I need to do next? - Thanks!
  • Joining routes or tracks can be done with the join tool. The direction must be the same and the order of the joined ends must be correct or you will end up with some really strange routes or tracks. You can also cut and paste the points of one route/track into another.
  • The problem with trying to join tracks is that you need to join them in the right order and ensure the end of one is next to the start of another. BaseCamp joins the tracks exactly as it's programmed to do, but often creates confusion the first time you try to do it.

    There are two ways to join the tracks in the correct order. Select the first portion of your 'big track' in the lower left hand pane, then select the others by using Ctrl + Click in the order you want them to be joined, having first made sure that all tracks 'flow' in the right direction so starts of one track follows the ends of the ones you're joining them to.

    The other method is to group select them all and then when you select 'Join the selected tracks' you will see icons on the right hand side allowing you to alter the order.

    Wish I could find the time to do LEJOG, I've done numerous LDWs in UK including the PW twice so good luck with LEJOG :)
  • Thanks! I will try these suggestions! As for doing LEJOG, I thought I'd have a go as if I don't do it now, I think I'll be past it soon, if I'm not already!
  • Yesterday I started a new topic. Correctly, I was asked to continue in this thread.

    Order problems joining tracks
    Yesterday, 03:29 PM
    I am sorting out a large number of tracks. Some are split. So I'm using "Join the Selected Tracks..."

    Most tracks after joining look correct, but a couple have a straight line joining start to end in one and start to middle in the other.

    I've never had this problem in the past using MapSource. These are all simple single day tracks.

    I've inspected the tracks and discovered that the date/time is out of order. Is it possible to edit these ?

    The problem with trying to join tracks is that you need to join them in the right order and ensure the end of one is next to the start of another. BaseCamp joins the tracks exactly as it's programmed to do, but often creates confusion the first time you try to do it.

    My tracks were 'broken' tracks where GPS signal was lost and then recovered, thus starting a new track. So two sub-tracks in correct date/time order.

    There are two ways to join the tracks in the correct order. Select the first portion of your 'big track' in the lower left hand pane, then select the others by using Ctrl + Click in the order you want them to be joined, having first made sure that all tracks 'flow' in the right direction so starts of one track follows the ends of the ones you're joining them to.

    This is what I did.

    The other method is to group select them all and then when you select 'Join the selected tracks' you will see icons on the right hand side allowing you to alter the order.

    I never saw this.

    When joining my first of many single day sub-tracks, I found that BaseCamp lost the track names, i.e. "2013-11-17 08:42:04 Day" and "2013-11-17 01:01:13 Day", replacing them with "Track". Not a good idea, as the next join would probably be the same. I had to open the track to read the date/time from the first point. If my memory is correct, MapSource did not loose the date/time.

    Fortunately, I keep good file copies using Vice-Versa on USB drives, so was able to open a copy database. I then joined two sub-tracks, this time retaining the original tracks.

    I then exported all three, reset BC with the original database and imported these three tracks. BC has now lost all date/times within these tracks, making them useless.

  • After spending a few hours looking at this problem, I think I've discovered the cause of the problem.

    SUSSAMB, you list owning a 650t.

    It is tracks from my 650t that are causing this problem. I started to organise tracks from this GPSr before continuing on to my other GPSrs. (Camper 660, 76CSX, 64st and 276Cx, that are still in use.)

    The one I've investigated has one track starting at 08:42:04 and the second at 10:01:13 on the same day

    Track Index # 1 in the second track is the same as track Index #552 of the first track.

    Suggesting a problem in the 650t or the way data is received from the 650t in BaseCamp 4.6.2.

    Edit: Or an earlier version as I have a database numbered 4.3 in my systems.