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Where is My Collection file stored

Former Member
Former Member
Hello & Help,

I would like to know where Basecamp stores the My Collection file, because my 'My Collection' vanished when I upgraded Basecamp? I have backups but I can not figure out what file to restore -I have read the manual and searched these forums.

Thank you all !
  • It exist of multiple files.

    /Users/[inlogname]/Library/Application Support/Garmin/BaseCamp/4.3/....
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Thank you !

    Thanks much Marco !!! My tracks are back :-)
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    It exist of multiple files.

    /Users/[inlogname]/Library/Application Support/Garmin/BaseCamp/4.3/....

    I followed the path all the way to /Application Support/Garmin And then "BaseCamp" isn't listed - I only can see the 2 maps I've installed. Help! I can't find MyCollection, and all my search and rescue GPS tracks and waypoints are gone... PANIC!

  • /Users/[inlogname]/Library/Application Support/Garmin/BaseCamp/ is the base path and don't forget to replace [inlogname] with your own name.

    /Users/[inlogname]/Library/Application Support/Garmin/BaseCamp/4.3/ is a version path. So the folder could also be 4.4 or 4.5.

    But if it does not exist, then it's deleted, or did you switch users?
  • @Ridge_Runner

    Not sure which version you're running and what you updated from? However search for the folder with your old data, it will be 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 etc.

    Once you find it point Basecamp at it ...
  • The default location for the BaseCamp library is ~/Library/Application Support/Garmin/BaseCamp. However, it is possible to configure this to a different location. See menu item 'BaseCamp-->Preferences...-->Advanced'. Unless you've tinkered with the setting in the past, your library preference will be set to the default location, but you may want to verify this. Hopefully, you have a TimeMachine backup of that folder.

    You can also call Garmin support for additional help.
  • I know this is really old, but just in case anyone is still following this, do you know if this file path is still true in 2018? I have time machine backups of my old computer but have wiped the computer itself. I can't find a Garmin folder at all, even though I know I had both basecamp and homeport installed until the end of the old laptop. Any idea what the file might be called, or what extension, so that I can search for it? There is a possibility I tinkered with it and changed the location of the folder!

    Any other ideas for how to get my collection back, without the computer? Only relying on TimeMachine backups?
  • Search for AllData.gdb and you should find the folder.
  • Just a quick update in case someone is in the same boat (pun intended...), the search for AllData.gdb doesn't work for me, neither within my backups on the old computer, nor on my new computer where both HomePort and Basecamp are installed. It's either changed recently, a PC specific folder name, or who knows....

    In new basecamp, the folder location states "default location" but it doesn't mention where that is, and no amount of searching will find it. I'm at a loss! Seems I've just lost years of carefully organised tracks and waypoints. It also seems extremely inflexible that Garmin doesn't save MyCollection data (which is meant to be "on My Computer") in a place where it can be restored, even when a complete backup exists. Relying on an export/import solution doesn't seem very reliable? What happens if your computer breaks or gets stolen and you didn't get the chance to expoert your collection?
  • Under Windows 10, Basecamp 4.7 stores 'AllData.gdb' in a hidden folder: \Users\your_login_name\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\BaseCamp\Database\4.7. Hence a search won't reveal the file...

    You can however unhide the AppData-folder by selecting 'users' and then select in the menu-bar under 'view' the checkbox 'hidden elements' (in German 'Benutzer', 'Ansicht', 'Ausgeblendete Elemente')... Hope it helps