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Export files with garmin explore

I have a GPSMAP 67 and Sonoma 14.5

My synchronisation between GPSMAP 67, iPhone 11 Pro, and Macbook is OK.

I use Brave Browser to export my files from GPSMAP 67 to Macbook to import my GPX files on Basecamp.

I get explore.gpx files and I can't import them in BaseCamp.

Have you a solution ??

  • Can you provide a bit more detail on what you mean with "I use Brave Browser to export my files from GPSMAP 67 to Macbook to import my GPX files on Basecamp."? Eg what exactly are you exporting, recorded activities I presume? And from which site, Garmin Explore web I presume?

    And what do you mean with "I can't import them in BaseCamp"? Does BaseCamp give an error? Does the imported GPX not show up in BaseCamp?

    Alternatively, if you configure your GPSMAP 67 to store recorded activities in both FIT and GPX format (see Setup > Recording > Advanced Setup > Output Format) you can just copy the GPX files of recorded activities from the device or import them directly into BaseCamp when connecting your device to your MacBook (don't forget to fully quit Garmin Express before doing so, or BaseCamp won't recognize the GPSMAP).

  • Thanks a lot for your answer, now I am using Garmin Connect with iPhone and Safari and I can export all Gpx files on Basecamp. I no more use Garmin Explore.